Hullo! Welcome to Cool as Ice's general, all-purpose FAQ!
Having grown tired of answering the same questions over and over, I made this page. These are all based on the questions I’ve received the most. I've no doubt that I’ll be adding more as time goes on...
Please read this through completely before e-mailing me with a question. Thanks!

1. Can I send in some of my 'Mighty Duck' artwork to put on your site?
2. I've sent you some pictures, but I don't have a page of my own. Why?
3. I have some fanfiction, can I submit that too? Or do I need to submit a profile as well?
4. What information do I need in my profile(s) before I submit it?
5. I sent in my submission a few days ago! How come it isn't up yet?
6. What do you use to color?
7. Can you teach me how to do that?
8. Can you help me make/redesign a website?
9. I've drawn this picture! Could you could color it for me?
10. What happened to your commissions??
11. Okay, so you're charging now. But I can't afford/don't want to buy one. Are there any other ways of getting a picture out of you?
12. I really like your pictures! Can I put some on my website?
13. I'm confused...who runs/owns this site??
14. 14. So what *is* this #Mighty_Ducks I keep seeing? How can I get there?
15. Time for more personal questions. How old are you? How long have you been drawing? Do you/will you work for Disney? Why don't you write fanfiction? And where have you been?!?

1. Can I send in some of my 'Mighty Duck' artwork to put on your site?

The answer will most likely be yes, but you need to follow some guidelines. Most importantly, it has to be suitable for a ‘Disney-style’ audience (No excessive blood, gore, nudity, kinkiness allowed) Exceptions have been made before, but require prior approval.
Your pictures must be in one of two file formats: .jpg or .gif. It would also be nice if your images be kept around 100k in size, but it's not a requirement.
More information can be found on the Submissions page.

2. I've sent you some pictures, but I don't have a page of my own. Why?

To get your own page, you have to submit a certain number of pictures. This number ranges from five to ten.

3. I have some fanfiction, can I submit that too? Or do I need to submit a profile as well?

Your fanfiction should be acceptable as long as it's suitable for a Disney audience. More information can be found on the Submissions page.
You don't need to submit a profile to put your fanfiction up, nor do you need to have fanfiction up to submit a profile. Same thing goes for art; you can choose to do one, two, or all.

4. What information do I need in my profile(s) before I submit it?

Go to the Submission Guidelines page and write out your profile according to that. Then send it to to be approved. If you need examples, there are plenty of already submitted fan profiles to look at.
More information can be found on the Submissions page.

5. I sent in my submission a few days ago! How come it isn't up yet?

Most likely...real life. I rarely have time to update anymore so that job usually falls to Emily and Karla. But sadly, we all have things that take us away from the 'Net, so the site has been updating about once every 3 to 6 months depending, but the updates are usually pretty large and substantial when they happen. Just be patient. It'll happen eventually.

6. What do you use to color?

For computer coloring, I'm currently use Photoshop 7.0 and a Wacom Tablet (Halfway broken :P)
For more traditional coloring, I use Prismacolor color pencils, available in box sets at any good art store, or decent office supply store. And Tria Markers; my babies.
Other materials I use are:
Windsor Newton Water colors, the occasional Watercolor pencil, gel pens, anything else I think will work with the specific image I'm working on.
Go here to find out more about my favorite ‘working’ tools.

7. Can you teach me how to do that?

Not really, sorry. :P If it's something specific I've done, you can e-mail me and ask me how I did it, and if I get enough requests, I'll write a tutorial on it .
But I can only tell you how *I* did it. If I used a Photoshop technique, and you don't have Photoshop... Sorry. :/

8. Can you help me make/redesign a website?

Not freely, I’m afraid. I may be open to an offer of barter (Trading me for something or doing a service for me), or for a fee. But I no longer have the time to do this for free any longer.

9. I've drawn this picture! Could you could color it for me?

I sometimes computer-color pictures for other people, and sometimes I even do it for free! But I have REALLY like a picture to color it for free. ;D
But usually, if I'm not busy, I’ll do it for free. But if not, you'll probably have to do a image trade or pay for the service, depending on the picture’s complexity.

10. What happened to your commissions??

I'm charging now! Aaaah! The horror! *coughs*
Detailed information can be found at here.

11. Okay, so you're charging now. But I can't afford/don't want to buy one. Are there any other ways of getting a picture out of you?

Amazingly, yes.
I offer to do one for you.
You can win a free commission from me in my contest (When I'm having one, that is.)
If I happen to know you, I might draw you a picture for your birthday.
And I'm open to image trades, or other types of barter ;)

12. I really like your pictures! Can I put some on my website?

Sure! Just let me know where they are going, and make sure you include a link back to me.
If I've drawn a picture for you, you're always free to take it and put it on your site without asking. A link back would be appreciated, though :)

13. I'm confused...who runs/owns this site??

Long story short: It first was run by Seline Trufeather and myself as a joint site called #Mighty_ducks. Six months later, Seline moved on and I took over the whole thing, moving, re-naming and re-designing the whole site into an archive site for everyone.
Now that I find myself becoming increasingly busy with other things, Karla and Emily help me with running everything. But I still own the site in its entirety.

14. So what *is* this #Mighty_Ducks I keep seeing? How can I get there?

#Mighty_Ducks is a chat room on IRC. Download a IRC client ( is good, and is shareware so you don't have to pay for it)
Server settings are:; port 6667; /join #Mighty_Ducks.

15. Time for more personal questions. How old are you? How long have you been drawing? Do you/will you work for Disney? Why don't you write fanfiction? And where have you been?!?

I was born in 1980, in East Chicago and lived there for most of my life. Then on a whim shortly after my 21st birthday, I up and moved to New York. I’ve been here ever since.
I have been drawing most of my life. Well, actually I was forced to draw in art class. Prior to May 1998, my artistic attempts were few and far between. But afterwards, I really got interested in drawing independently and where I could go with it.
Do I work for Disney? No. Will I work for Disney? No. Never. Eisner is the devil. Animation doesn't appeal to me nearly as much as character design. But I love comics, and web design and illustration and heck, I could go for just about anything that will let me doodle for a living.
Currently, I draw for Shanda Fantasy Arts. A small comic company, but with a fairly decent audience. I also freelance when not wrapped up in my fulltime job.
I really have to say that I don't write fanfiction. Whenever I start, I end up not being able to follow it through to the end. I'm usually too busy doodling out original projects.
As for where I've been...I’ve been working, keeping up with classes, working on comics, working on freelance, working on all sorts of things. Time is what prevents me from really being here, but once I finally get settled down into one solid thing, I might be back. But until'll find me on the message board. I'll never leave that alone completely. Even if I don't have time to do much else. :)

Still have a question? Email me and I'll try and answer it for you ;)