HISTORY: Born on uncharted planet inhabited by Raptors. Brought to Puckworld by parents, who were shot in a war between politicians and civilians. Lived on own before starting a new life in an insane asylum. Attempted suicide, but caught by police. He was abducted by Saurians in a crossfire to Anaheim, California. Met the Ducks, and became part of them.
PERSONALITY: Non-social, crazy, insane
FLAWS: Suicidal, insane
BATTLE INFO: Puck bazookas, ice shields, fists.
INTERESTS/SKILLS: Hockey, heavy metal, art.
HOCKEY STATS: #98; Goalie
CASUAL WEAR: Gothic. SliPKnoT(rap-metal)T-shirt, Mighty Ducks cap
MISC.: Hates popular people, Saurians, and the Detroit Red Wings.