Okay, here's the deal. Instead of placing a legal disclaimer on every fan fic of mine, I decided to put it here, in one nice, neat little package, so if you want to read it, that's fine, but if you don't, you don't have to scroll through it on every single fic. So here goes:
I don't own Wild Wing, Mallory, Duke, Tanya, Nose Dive, Grin, Canard, Phil Pomfeather, Captain Klegghorn, Lucretia DeCoy, Mondo Man, Daddy O'Cool, Thrash, Mookie, Drake DuCaine, The Mask of Drake DuCaine, the Aerowing, the Migrator, The Raptor, Lord Dragaunus (Ruler of the Saurian Empire, Conqueror of Puck World so forth and so on), Siege, Wraith, the Chameleon, ect., ect., ect!! Did I miss anything or anyone? Probably. Let's just say, if you recognize the character/object as being from the show originally, he/she/it doesn't belong to me! Got it? Good.
Now that that's settled, here's a wee bit of advice on how
my fics are rated. They'll all be anywhere from G to PG15, okay?
You may not understand these ratings so let me explain for you.
G means anyone who's literate can read them without learning
any new choice phrases or improper terms for certain body parts,
or how babies are made or any horrible things like that. PG15
means that there probably will be killing, talk of rape/lust/sex
(but not in a graphic / sick / disturbed / twisted / pornographic
manner. Just the mention of, and I will keep it strictly censored
too) Assassination, foul language (nothing major, nothing you
wouldn't expect to here in a Junior High lunch room.) and possibly
even child birth (which again, won't be that graphic) racism (I
guess you could call it that between ducks and Saurians)
Further more, If anything you read in my fan fics offends you, that's your problem, not mine. If you don't like the fact that my characters are Saurian, I choose to write as a Saurian, or the fact that the Saurian Empire rises to greatness in my fan fic realm and kills off the original ducks from the show, too bad. Plenty of human authors are writing about killing off the Saurians (killing Lord Dragaunus in particular) that I thought turn about would be fair play. I personally don't hold any grudges or hate for anyone who likes the ducks and hates the Saurians, but with all seriousness to real life and the fact that the characters AREN'T ACTUALLY REAL if you start bashing me or my characters in a serious and threatening way, then I will be forced to take actions. I'm not sure what, but I will stand up for my rights of free speech and my rights to be an individual.
Furthermore, while I'm talking human to human, as in "Out of Character" regarding you using my characters, I don't have a problem with it as long as 1) You don't kill / mangle / have them assassinated, raped, murdered ect, 2) You state that the character (s) are rightful property of ME and you have been given permission to use them, and 3) Now listen closely, this is important: ASK ME FIRST!!!! I can not stand it when someone grabs my idea and calls it their own! I would never do that to another author / artist, so please don't do it to me!
Finally, DON'T JUDGE ME BECAUSE OF SOMETHING one of my characters did / caused / said. For example, Sheeba is a 21-year-old Saurian Princess who has taken many innocent lives and wishes to become the mate of Lord Dragaunus and rule the entire galaxy. I, on the other hand, (the human creator of Sheeba) am a 13-year-old human girl who is fairly decent and tries to accept everyone, excluding the backwards freaks who think just because of the way my character (s) act, I must be the same way.
Sorry to sound so harsh about the whole thing, but I just want
to get my point across so no one can whine / complain / gripe
/moan /groan, ect that I didn't provide an antiquate warning about
my fics or my characters. If I've offended you with this disclaimer,
I'm sorry, but this is just the way it is.