Author's Notes: It's short… it's pathetic (acc to Drake: You write longer usually!!!). But it just came to me! Sue me! (please don't take that seriously…). More of these to come! *grins and walks away*

Snippets: Plane Ride

By Nyre

The airport was packed with people going and coming from wherever. Currently, Wing and Drake were paying for the luggage fare whilst the rest of the team got themselves a table at the little coffee shop off the side.

Nyre laughed softly as she engaged in a conversation with Levi, Castel, Dee, Darien, Dive and the rest of STROBE. Mal, Grin and Tanya were otherwise talking over the plans and how the seating arrangements were to be.

Duke was a little on the restless side and thought to take a peek at the planes through the glass windows. Okay… hm. Sure. Whatever. His eyes moved from plane to plane.

Then, one in particular caught his attention. "Whoa, whoa, whoa."

"What's up Duke?" Drake and Wing walked up to their friend. The former glanced to them and smiled, weakly suppressing a laugh.

Duke jerked a hand towards the small plane off the side, looking as if it could only fit around a set of ten to twenty. "I pity the guys who'll have to ride that thing. Look's like it could break from over-boarding of passengers--"

* * *

Half an hour later…

"Real funny Duke." Drake bopped the grey duck once over the head as they neared that *particular* plane. "Mind repeating what you said an hour ago?"

Duke grimaced and stuck his tongue out at his human companion. "Aahh forget it."

The End
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