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Omega's Revenge | ||||
So. The Saurian Empire was destroyed. Life as Sheeba knew it was over, most of her ‘extended family’ was still around, the Elementals apparently found them to be worth something. Kira, her sister was gone, (which actually delighted the younger sibling). Siege and Lucretia DeCoy were gone…their son remained however. And Atoka fortunately was alive as well as he and Sheeba’s child. Venessa had taken violently sick soon after the imortilization process, Sheeba kept close by most of the time. On the eve of Venessa’s sixteenth birthday, Sheeba found herself again by the girl’s side. Kind of ironic, Venessa had kept Sheeba company through the late months of her pregnancy…now it was Sheeba’s turn to take care of the girl. “Lady Death says Dragaunus was being so cruel because the vampiric transformation process was already began. He didn't know how to control it...now he's regularly getting victims.” Venessa flicked an ear and whimpered softly. “He’s back to normal again, he always was someone I admired.” Venessa growled weakly. “Jealous.” Sheeba smirked, closing her book. Venessa managed a grin. “You never knew him how I knew him; I’m beginning to think the destruction of the Empire was best for all of us, I’m sure Fate knows what he’s doing better than I.” “I think it’s all a dream, in my sickness… I’m simply hallucination it all, tell me, am I dead, Sheeba?” “No dear, I’m afraid it’s all reality. Well, actually, why should I be afraid… it’s all great.” Sheeba grinned. “How? I’s sick…an Darqe is dead, we’ve no home…” "Death and Chaos are taking care of that right now, how does living in a three thousand year old temple sound? Or maybe you would prefer a small, cozy cottage? They'll take care of us... Lady Death is surprizingly kind. She told me you cand visit your sister whenever you like." A soft knock at the door. Sheeba rose and drifted to the doorway without another word. After a brief exchange of mumbles Venessa could not make out, and the closing of the door she returned with Dragaunus following her. A low growl came from Venessa; she was not pleased at her visitor. With good reason, too. Some of the horrid things he’d done to her before were enough to make anyone hate him. He looked the same as before, she could see something different about his eyes though. Cold. Uncaring. Dead? Yes, Dead. She could tell Lady Death had taken good care of him, just as Sheeba had said... his attire was much difreant, more sophisticated, no armor, a high collar black and gold robe and various adornments. In short, he looked like something form the books Venessa used to read as a girl, a pompous Sultan from a rich kingdom in the desert. His icy voice brought her out of her thoughts. “If I could have a word with you Venessa – in private – that is?” He settled his unforgiving gaze on her. He smoothed the front of his gold and black outer robe, grinning at her. It seemed more sadistic than comforting. “Sheeba?” She croaked weakly. “It’ll be all right child, he doesn’t bite. He saves that for his victims. Don’t worry.” She made a slight bowing gesture to Venessa and to her mate, then strode toward the doorway. "I can help you." At this point, anything was worth a try. Little did she know, what he had in mind wouldn't be worht it in the least. * * * Together forever… Eel and Nova. A little ironic. No, no irony is the difference between what’s said and what is. Irony was the fact that Chameleon loved Vitani deeply, passionately and with all her heart, and everyone said they made the perfect couple. But… she’d lost all emotion for him after he’d told her about his previous living experience as Iro Chamiqe. Eel and Nova spending all existence together was definitely not ironic. Maybe a bit unexpected, but not ironic. Most days, Nova could be found in Life’s garden reading, his latest novel being Bram Stokers ‘Dracula’. Human novels seemed to interest him more so than anything avian or Saurian, perhaps because they were banned in the empire. He could celebrate now, though, the Empire was gone, and no one (including his brother) could order him around! He was still basically an outcast… but he had the respect of Wraith and Sheeba, the love of Eel, and Lady Life was on his side. --And did Lady Life ever treat him fine! She’d heard of his story when Justice was still debating over whether or not the Empire was fit to be judged. Life, Fate, Death and Justice had everything already planned out, it was just a formality for everything to ‘happen’. To make a long story short, Nova’s true heart and the rift between he and Dragaunus was perfect… he was being trained as a Vampire hunter, and Dragaunus as one of Death’s messengers, in short, their next battle would be their last.. That was far, far into the future, for the time being Nova was put in charge of the Ti’Markay Empire. Ti’Markay was originally a dying Empire, a good four times larger than Dragaunus’s Empire. Many refugees form the fall of the Saurian Empire had flocked to the Ti’Markay Empire, both because of it’s new leader, and because it was situated in a peaceful valley on a planet only reachable by magic. It was almost a perfect Utopia, and it was blessed by the Elementals. The best part was, Dragaunus wouldn’t know about it for another four thousand years... A high-pitched squeaking interrupted his thoughts; he closed his book to see… a rose? No… He picked it up and looked it over. Definitely one of Eel’s creations. It looked exactly like a red rosebud on a long, graceful stem, if not for the fact that it had eyes and crawled around on four leaves. He grinned, it was adorable in it’s ways, it coiled it’s tubular body around his hand and sucked on his finger through it’s petals. The way it went about in it's exploratory ways. “’Ey there little one, you must be hungry.” He chuckled, it becan trying to eat the corner of his book. “Oh there you are Nova.” He looked up and saw Eel, Charger was with her. Oh, how she’d changed, she was no longer the girl Wraith had left with him; in just three years time she’d became a wonderfully beautiful female. Laying his book aside, he approached, and kissed her cheek gently. “I created it for you since tomorrow’s your eighteenth birthday... What else would I get for you? I'd rather give you something like this... I took a dying rose and granted it life like we know... because I think like is one of the most beautiful gifts to give...” “It’s beautiful.” He replied softly. “Like you.. Soft and absolutely perfect in every aspect.” She blushed. "What I mean is... I think I may be... pregnant. I won't know for a week...until the results are back in at the clinc..." He kissed her gently, everything was going to be just fine. No matter what, he and his mate would be... just fine. *Special thanks to K. A. for lots of help with this story line, even though he isn't here anymore... |