Lance's Origin

By Lance

Chapter Twenty

"Wildwing? Can we talk?" Lance hated to disturb him but he had some questions and thought that Wildwing might be the only one to answer them.

"Sure Lance." Wildwing put a pucklaucher in the ammunition storage rack and turned to give Lance his attention. Lance walked over to the armchair across from him and sat down.

"I have a few questions. You know? About this prophecy thing..."

"About JC you mean?"

Lance nodded. "Josh knows the Prophecies but he won't talk about them. I'm knew to the Saurian-hunting business so I'm a little sketchy on the details. They say that JC is going to save the world?"

"Something like that. Tanya says that the Prophecies tell the story of a man that will be born human. He will die three times and become the human who is part-Saurian."

"Does that mean he can't die or is undefeatable or somethin'?"

Wildwing tapped his fingers on the chair arm thoughtfully. "Not exactly. Puckworld Prophecies are always very vague and people interpret them differently but that is one of many thoughts on it."

"I still don't understand."

"All records of the Prophecies agree on this: 1) he'll be human 2) He'll die three times and live on three times 3) He'll become the human who is half-Saurian. 4) He'll save the world."

Lance nodded. "Okay, so I get that. But 'save the world'? I mean, I know Emerel is quite a threat but hardly world-threatening."

"That's where people are underestimating him. We have been worried about him and his activities for quite some time. In earlier days, all that was needed to keep the Saurian population under control was us. But Emerel seems to be smart. He started his army away from the Hunter's jurisdiction here in Florida. The number of Saurians invading increased so much so that ordinary humans, like yourself, have had to become hunters. As long as Emerel lives, so does his army. But a little known secret is that if you kill the Master all of the offspring die as well. Kill Emeral and all his troops will diminish or retreat."

"Ohhhhhh! I see now. If Emerel's allowed to continue his crusade the world will be ruled by Saurians."

"Exactly. However, no one's been able to beat Emerel and we haven't had the time to deal with him until now. I only hope your friend is up to it."

"I think he is, Wildwing. I pretty certain that he's been ready for a while now."


Nosedive cruised into the conference room. "Hey guys, has anyone heard from Mal-Mal today?"

Tanya, Calista, Justin and Chris looked up from their board game. "No, I haven't heard a word about her during the last couple of days." Tanya replied.

"Don't you think that's strange?" Nosedive asked, unusually serious.

"Maybe she found something she liked." Chris added nonchalantly.

"Chris!!" Justin yelled, appalled.

"What? What did I do THIS time? I can't say anything anymore. When did you get so uptight Justin?"

"HEY! I'm not uptight! I just think that we don't know these ducks well enough to be making assumptions like that."

"I'm NOT making assumptions. I was giving a suggestion. She asked our opinion."

"You're hopeless, Chris, utterly hopeless. Why am I even your friend, huh?"

"Because I'm always bailing your little butt out, that's why!!"

"Boys, boys, calm down or I'll thwap both of you, okay!" Calista was beginning to get a headache from their little quarrel and she HATED headaches.

Chris and Justin huffed and collapsed back down in their seats. Chris crossed his arms and pouted while Justin looked away in the opposite direction.

"Cal, I think something's wrong. It's not like our Mal-Mal to just disappear, especially since she knows military strategies and stuff."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

Everyone whipped around when they heard the doorbell ring.

Joey came out of the kitchen, wiping his hands on his apron. "I'll get it!! Anything to get out of the kitchen for a minute. You hunters eat like pigs! Some of you anyway.."

Joey opened the door to see a grey-feathered duck. "Hello?"

" 'ey. Is JC here?"

"He is. May I tell him you're here?"

"It's me, Duke. Can you tell him it's urgent?"


"Oh, Hi Duke! Come in and have a seat. I'll go find him."


Chris and Justin watched the drake as he entered the room and sat down on the couch.

" got into Emeral's headquarters, huh?" Chris asked curiously.

"Yeah, don't ask me how though. It's kinda hard 't explain."

"Chris Kirkpatrick," he held his hand out in introduction. "I don't think I've had time to get to know ya, but I'm this blond boy's Guardian." He pointed to Justin with a look of disgust on his face. "Sometimes I don't know why I do it."

"Hey!! That was uncalled for!"

"But true."

"Chris, don't make me mad. You won't like me when I'm mad!"

"What are you going to do? Heal me to death?? HUH? HUH?"

"Why, I outta...."

"Take it outside, children, we have a guest." JC glared at the two of them, irate at them for fighting for the thousandth time that day.

Duke stood up and approached him.

"So, what brings you all the way back here?" JC was attempting to hide his concern. He knew it would take a lot to get him to travel back this far and JC wasn't certain he was going to like what Duke had to say.

"I'm afraid I'm th' bearer of bad news. Really bad news, actually. Ya might want to take a seat."

"Would you prefer talking in private in the office?" JC asked pointed at his shared office door.

"Nah. I think this'll affect everyone."

"Oh," JC said. "Well, if that's the case, do you mind if I send Joey to track down Lance and Wildwing first? They should really be here. Being leaders and all, y'know."

"Yeah, of course they'll need t' know. Go ahead, I'll be right here."

JC looked over at Joey. "On my way." Joey headed towards the practice room where he thought he might find Wildwing at least.

Joey speed walked towards the practice room, curious about what news Duke had brought them. He about jumped out of his skin when the doors swung open right in front of him and Lance and Wildwing walked out.

"Hey Lance? JC needs you two in the meeting area, pronto. Duke's back and brought us..."

Lance cut him off before he could finish "Bad news. I know, that's where we're headed."

Joey looked in confusion at Wildwing who simply shrugged. "He just stood up a second ago and said we had to go find JC."

"I've heard of friend's being close, but..."

"Come on, Joey, we don't have time for this right now." Lance pleaded.

"Right! Let's go."

Go to Chapter Twenty-One
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