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Judgement Day | ||||
Something was wrong, for sure. Nafaud could tell it. It was in the air, the water, on the ground; it was every where. The horrible feeling he had; the increased energy levels he could sense. His powers were usual function, telling him about something that would be the turning point for life as everyone knew it was about to happen. Without second thought, he teleported to the Overlord’s control room, the Royalty needed to be informed and the Empire’s defenses raised to combat whatever may happen. * * * Cassandra shivered, glancing around nervously. She had inherited her mother’s powers, though at only three years, she was unable to use the vast majority of her abilities. She too could sense something was wrong, Sheeba had told her and Natori to stay in their quarters unless otherwise instructed; the Lady Saurian could sense the troubling presence as well. But Cassandra couldn’t very well leave little Dhaka locked outside on the balcony, the fire dragon had taken a liking to her since her birth. Glancing at the door which lead out on to the balcony, she grinned mischievously as the large door opened; she had better control and understanding over her powers than her teachers ever knew. Arddu looked over at her quizzically, but did not say anything. She giggled, awaiting the entrance of ‘her’ fire lizard. “Whe’ she?” Cassandra asked looking towards Arddu and pointing towards the door. “I’ll get it.” Triad said softly, rising from her chair and swiftly escaping to the balcony. “Aa – Arddu… something’s wrong out here.” She trailed, a little taken back by the appearance of things. Dhaka clung to her leg nervously, soft chirping sounds arose. “What’s be the trouble, Tri?” He ask in a loose representation of decent speech, feeling his way onto the balcony. “There’s a storm coming Arddu… get the children and Dhaka inside… stay with them. I’ll go to the control room and see if I can figure out what’s going on.” She touched the side of the blind Saurian boy’s face, she loved him dearly and didn’t want anything to happen to him. “I’ll do that.” He replied, forcing Dhaka into the room, the two royal children watching their caretakers anxiously. * * * “M’Lord, Lady Sheeba, I have some bad news…” Nafaud announced, entering the control room. “That’s nothing new Nafaud, you always bring me bad news.” Dragaunus snorted, waving Darqe away. Sheeba glared, watching her leave. “If you had any inclination to favor the Dark Powers what-so-ever, you would know what horrors the Empire may be up against too.” Lady Sheeba growled bitterly. “My dear mate, I do not need your… powers… to understand what goes on in my Empire, for I have technology…” “It’s talk like that which will get you killed.” Nafaud cleared his throat, he could see beyond the growing tension between the two. “Turn on your monitors then Dragaunus, and take a good look at the city.” The warlord, not taking so kindly to being pushed around by the practicers of the dark arts, even though one was his mate, did so reluctantly. Sheeba’s heart sank at seeing the sight over the Reptilian City; a large portal had opened and a semi-cubic object was approximately three-fourths of the way though. In structure, it was a large cube, in appearance it was metallic black painted with various neon symbols and hieroglyphs. Nafaud, as well as the Overlord, remained emotionless. “The prophets were correct, Lady Justice has come to pass judgment upon our existence.” Nafaud lowered his head, his mismatched eyes staring intently at Sheeba. “I would advise my Lord and Lady to don their battle armor and follow me.” * * * Within the hour, Sheeba found herself a good distance away from the thing that had landed in the Empire’s dominant city, a good distance away yes but still too close for comfort. She wasn’t alone, the Overlord, his advisors, her harem –mates and the top-honored Generals had been assembled there. All defenses were armed and ready, they were either going to welcome it or as Fayette had said, ‘Blow its ass off’. Nafaud stood under one of his cloaking spells, grinning. Could Dragaunus honestly be so stupid to think he could destroy one of the Elementals with his the Empire’s weak technology? Noting how Sheeba quivered as the object opened, he drifted over to her to try and comfort the lady Saurian. A whole side of the object dissolved away, a golden feline stepped out from the inner darkness. She was shrouded in a white cloth, her eyes covered in a strip of white cloth. So it was true what Nafaud had always heard, Justice is blind.. Dragaunus looked her over, something like a tiger sizing up it’s next meal. “I am Lord Dragaunus, ruler of this Empire, and I welcome you to my home…Lady Justice.” ‘There we go.’ Sheeba thought bitterly. ‘Try and put the moves on her and piss her off…get killed, I don’t care.’ “I do not care who you are, I am only to pass judgment upon your people.” Justice replied coldly, drifting away from the ‘craft’. Dragaunus only glared, it was clear that he was insulted by her actions. The Elemental only choose to ignore him. Sheeba found the Lady before her and she bowed as did her harem-mates, they not only had manners enough to do so, the idea of being tortured to death and beyond in the afterlife didn’t appeal to them. “I seek what makes your Empire superior to all who came before, and all that are yet to exist. I do not take pleasure in the destruction I cause, I instead hope your kind can learn from their mistakes. When I find them.” Justice’s calm nature and tone put Sheeba at ease, though she didn’t know why. Justice was not to be a savior, but a force of destruction. “Sheeba Marie, future Element Chaos. Through your eyes I shall see why this Empire is great, now show me.” * * * It was the Empire’s leading military base Sheeba had shown to take Justice. The Saurians’ accomplishments were great, no other Empire in the galaxy could stand against their superior genetic warfare capabilities. The Institution for Scientific and Technological Advances in the Field of Genetics. In lamen’s terms, a whore house with a scientific twist. Approaching one of the ‘holding cells’, Sheeba assumed Justice would be pleased. It was a female Saurian, heavily pregnant. “What makes her special? She is able to reproduce, yes?” “Yes however this female’s embryo was fertilized by the genes of another female; it’s a process we’ve been trying to perfect for years to better preserve the purity of the Royal bloodlines. Through our great understanding of genetics and DNA, this is possible.” Sheeba smiled widely, thinking Justice would be pleased. Thinking Justice may have thought along the same primal lines as the Saurians did. “The Maya had a civilized breeding program to achieve the ultimate warriors. They too, were destroyed. I m displeased, show me more. “ Nodding slowly, Sheeba decided to take her to the Saurian Scholarly Library of the Dark Arts and Recreational Magic, perhaps it was true if Justice was blind, knowledge was power. * * * Browsing her fingers along the spines of the ancient books, Justice was still obviously displeased. ‘What could she want to hear?’ Sheeba was fighting an internal battle with herself to try and find the answer. She was disgusted with both their technologies and their magical resources. They had no other grand achievements. Justice knew of the reclaiming of Puck World, the escape from limbo, and the destruction of the Mask of Drake DuCaine. “I am dissatisfied with what I see. Sheeba Marie will become immortal Lady Chaos, the Saurian Empire destroyed by decision of Lady Justice. “I’d rather die today a mortal with my own than to live forever as Chaos knowing I could have at least tried to stop the destruction.” Sheeba was determined, that was clear. It wasn’t a situation she took lightly. “A foolish mortal you are, I have my orders from Death, Fate and Chaos. Your mate Dragaunus will forever be a servant of Death, a vampire. It was by her choice. Your harem mate Venessa will always be by your side, as will your children, by orders of Lust and Love separately and together. And Fayette, your young sister-child will remain with you also, she has a promising future with Death also. “ “Why am I given this information?” Sheeba whimpered, still in shock. “It is your destiny child. You mustn’t keep your destiny waiting. Your loves are safe, now, you must go.” A portal similar to the one Justice had entered the city from opened, Sheeba knew she was to leave. “Be gone childe, I have work to be done.” “So I just turn my back on them and leave, just like that?” Sheeba asked softly. “Your destiny must be fulfilled for life to exist anywhere, Sheeba. The sacrifice is for the greater good, you will realize that in time. You cannot save everyone if Fate does not have it in his plans. You know what your responsibility is, now leave me to tend to mine. On a more personal level, think of it as a start over. No more harem, or rules of your kind to live by… you need a chance to start over Sheeba, you may be able to hide the number of different males you’ve been with from your mate and the rest of the world, however you’ll always know, as will we.” Turning her back on life as she knew it, the Lady Saurian cried as she walked through the portal to her new life. It was true, she had vowed to her mate to always be true… when Darqe and Venessa came…being in the company of someone else seemed to ease the loneliness a little… * * * Within a small room she found Dragaunus, Fayette, Eel, Nova, her children, their caretakers, Nafaud, the Wraith, Chameleon, many others she did not recognize.; Avians, Humans and Saurians, all refuges from her Empire’s destruction… they were all here to serve a purpose So this was what was to be for the Saurians, everyone else… mere legends. Sheeba’s crying time was over, the time of a different male each night, murder for no reason, betrayal. Her new life has began. * * * “One cannot change their past, only their future.” -Unknown |