Tears why won't you come
I held you back too long
Oh so long
And now I want you to come to me
Why won't you come?
Years and years I wouldn't cry
I wouldn't allow myself too
To do so would've made him happy
Too see that he hurt me
After that I thought they'd think I was weak
so I wouldn't let myself cry
Hiding behind my cheerful shield
I never told them anything about me
They would have babied me
I didn't want sympathy
I wanted understanding
And nobody could do that
So I held you in
Oh sweet tears
And wouldn't let you fall
I regret that now
I know they wondered how I could be a silly prankster one moment
And a deadly killer with no remorse then next
But they didn't know
Only you knew
So Now I'm here
Among friends and family
And they still don't know
I may never let them
And when I killed him, those were not tears I was glad to have.
Not at all.
Now my love is asking what is wrong
And I want to tell him but I can't
Don't ask why
I just can't
Oh tears please come,
release me from my inner turmoil
And let your raging peace flood over me
Because your cage is open
Drip down my face
and splashed on his shoulder
Because it's there for me
All I need to do is...