DISCLAIMER: Duke, Nosedive, Mallory, Wildwing, etc… belong to Disney.
Nartia, Zanda and Firesky are mine.
Skygem,Kit and Sabe go to Kit.

NOTE: Kit loves this story, so do I , hmmm, well, didn't turn out the way I expected…


By Firesky

"Kit?" Duke looked over at her. Kit looked up from her book, "yea?"

"Ya wanna go for a walk?"

"Sure, let me finish this chapter."


"Brrrr." Kit shivered in the chill night air and pulled her coat tighter around herself. Duke chuckled. "Shouldn't wear halter tops in this weather…" she glared at him. "Oh Shuttup."

The two walked side by side down the trail to the lake. Slowly, Kit edged closer to Duke. "What's wrong?" he looked down at her. Kit looked up, "if you've had as many scares as I've had, you aren't tooo fond of the dark."

Duke couldn't resist "Like that big, huge scary-"

Kit whirled and screeched at the same time. Duke laughed, "I was gonna say woodpile."

Kit gave him a *look*. "Oh verrrrrry funny."

"I couldn't resist."


The two walked in silence 'til they reached the lake. The trail opened out before them to a glistening beach strewn with driftwood trees. Next to the trail was a large rock, carved like a stone bench. Duke sat down and patted the stone next to him. "Sit."

Kit sat down and looked at him. There was a far away look in his eyes, as if he was remembering something. Kit's gaze traced his features… that hair, the chip in his beak. He's so distant. Kit thought to herself. Why?

Duke thought back to their time on Earth, the first time he met Kit, the time Switch took over her. Now here they were, back on Puckworld. Living in The McMallard Estate, the home Kit and Skygem used to live in. Duke looked down at the pixie-like duck next to him. That black hair, those green eyes, that fun loving nature, unless, of course, you get her mad. Kit was small, yes, but so beautiful. Now or never Duke. He told himself.


"Umm-hmm?" She turned her face to him.

"I… uh... I…."

"Spit it out."

"Kit will you marry me?" Duke blurted, in a rush.

Shocked, she stared at Duke. Was he actually asking her to marry him?

Duh. He just said that. She growled to herself. Kit couldn't help it as she let out a little burst of laughter. Duke looked so funny, like he was waiting for the worst. Duke looked at her, "what's so funny?"

"Nothing. But do you really think I'd say no?"

A relieved smile crossed Duke's face. He then put his arms around Kit and pulled her up, kissing her. At first gently, then, with growing passion she kissed him back. Kit wove her fingers in his hair as he crushed his body to hers.

Their little romantic moment was interrupted by a snort of laughter.

The two broke apart. At the head of the path were Firesky and Nosedive, laughing… hard.

"Oh shoot. The look on your face Duke." Firesky leaned her head on Dive's shoulder.

"Yea. Never seen ya so nervous before Dukester." Nosedive had an arm slung over Fire's shoulder and he leaned on her, tears of laughter running down his face.

Duke looked at Kit. Kit looked ant Duke.

"Attack!" Duke and Kit chased Fire and Dive up the path. The two teenagers laughed as they ran. "Hoo, yea! He was so funny!"

Finally, Duke slowed. "Let'm go, they're too dang fast."

Kit stopped. "Hmph."

Duke pulled a small box from his pocket, "we were interrupted before I could say thank you… and give you this." He slipped a thin gold band set with a diamond and two emeralds onto Kit's finger. When she moved her hand the moonlight reflected off the diamond and shone on the Rowan Emerald. Kit grinned. "I thought you already said thank you."


"I don't like this." Kit growled several months later.

"Think of the look on his face." Skygem replied as she straightened the gown. Kit scowled. "I know, I look ridiculous."

"No you don't. Now stop slouching!" Firesky straightened Kit. "Besides, he's putting on a suit for ya."

"Let's just get this over with."


"I look stupid." Duke growled.

"Hey. She's putting on a dress for ya. That's a major sacrifice for her." Wildwing told him.

"Wow, never thought she'd look so good in a dress." Nosedive commented. Duke gave him a *look*. "Shuttup kid."


"Ok guys, no food fights." Skygem laughed as Duke and Kit cut their cake. Duke looked at Kit, "hmmmm."


The cake hit Sky in her eye. Soon food was flying thick.

"My dress!" Sky moaned when it was over.

"I dunno, I think it looks better this way." Kit laughed.


"Duke, this isn't the way back to the Estate." Kit looked over at him. Duke just grinned, "I know." The two were supposedly heading back to the McMallard estate after the reception, but Duke seemed to have a different idea.

He looked over at Kit, who had changed into a green halter top, levi pipes and a black leather jacket.

"We're going somewhere else…"


"You'll see."

Soon they came to a section of town that hadn't been restored yet. Kit watched the old buildings go by and hummed to herself. In front of one building with half a roof Duke parked the car and got out.

"Here, take one. We walk from here." He popped the trunk and handed Kit a duffel bag.

She took it, "why walk?"


Kit followed him down the street.

Duke stopped in front of a building that had laughter and lights, odd for this abandoned part of town, but he sighed, here it was - his home away from home.

Before he could do anything more a tall grey duck came out of the door and saw him. "Duke!"

"Oof! Easy Nar." He gasped, winded from her hug.

Kit eyed the older duck, "Duke, who is this?"

"My sister."

"Twin." Nar glanced at him.

Kit gaped. "Duke! You never told me you had a twin."

"Hmph, we never knew about Sky till she showed up."

Not having a good come back at the moment Kit glared at Duke.

Nar looked from one to the other, "and who might this be?"

"Kit L'Orange." Duke draped an arm over Kit's shoulder.

Nar raised an eyebrow, "and you'll be wanting a room. Follow me."

Nar led the two into the house and through what had to be a rec room. Several ducks looked up, "hey Nartia... Duke?"


A dark form looked over from a corner, red eyes glowing, "who?"

"Oh, Zanda, this is my brother Duke." Nartia told the Saurian. A deep teal tail swished and Zanda went back to what she had been doing.

Duke glanced at Nartia as they went up a set of stairs. "What's a Saurian doing here?"

"Long story. Here's the rooms, have fun." Nartia went back downstairs as Duke opened the door.

"I guess they were expecting us."

Kit dropped her bag inside and glared at him. "You had this all planned out!"

"Yup." Kit wandered through the door at the other end of the room and found a couch and a TV in the next room. Going through the door in that room she found a bedroom, complete with a queen-sized bed. "Wow."

Kit started to take off her jacket and found the sleeve stuck. "Dang thing." She hissed. Suddenly the sleeve was pulled off her arm. "Thanks Duke." She grinned at him.

"No problem." He grinned back.

Kit feigned horror. "I know that look, I don't like that look."

"Too bad, huh?" He started untying the halter strap on her shirt.

"I guess."

Five minutes later their clothes were on the floor and the two literal lovebirds were cocooned in blankets.

The End
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