Out of the Clear Blue
by Sheeba
Sheeba watched from a safe distance the three henchmen which
cowered in front of Lord Dragaunus.
Another failed take over plan brought extreme anger to the
Overlord's mind, and struck extreme fear in the hearts of those
whom had to be around him. All except one, though.
"Temper temper." Sheeba hissed as she walked toward
him. "What do you want?" he growled and turned to look
at her. She stopped just in front of him "Decent shelter,
decent henchmen, and a decent weaponry." She snapped. "Is
that a challenge?" he roared, pushing her several steps back.
She looked at him and laughed. "Me, challenge you? Are
you forgetting who I am? I'm just a lowly little Princess, as
where you are the one whom is the most important in the Empire,
and why, may I ask, would I even want to challenge you? For what
purpose would it do me to take from you what is rightfully yours,
Sir?" she spoke quickly while staring up into his eyes seductively.
He grabbed her by the throat and smiled. "I trust I'll
be seeing you in my quarters later, yes?" He whispered to
her as more of a statement than a question. "As you wish,
Lord Dragaunus" she smiled slightly.
He let go of her throat and walked silently out of the room.
Sheeba walked over and dropped down in his throne after he
was gone. "Sheeba, do you have a death wish or somethin'?"
Chameleon asked cautiously. She snickered slightly and then
turned back serious. "No." she answered bluntly, "I
just felt like saving you three from being fried like a duck."
She continued, closing her eyes. "But why?" he asked
and walked over to where she sat. "Because I'm in such a
damned good mood!" she snarled, jumping at him.
Everything was silent for a long time after that. No one dared
to move. It wasn't very often that Sheeba got mad, but when she
did, it wasn't a good idea to instigate her.
A female creature screaming in the hallway soon broke the silence.
Sheeba ran to the door and out into the hallway with Siege Wraith
and Chameleon close behind her. What she saw was surprising.
Dragaunus had a young female Saurian pinned to the wall several
feet off the ground by the shoulders. Sheeba could tell the
female was in total fear, she was doing everything he could to
try and get Dragaunus to drop her, but with no luck.
Sheeba grabbed him and pulled him away from the female and
glared evilly at him. "Who are you and what are you doing
in this ship?" She snarled at the female who was cowering
on the floor and shuddering under the Overlord's gaze. "I-I'm
Eel, Eel La'Moray, and I'm here to find a Princess Sheeba."
She stammered, not daring to move for fear of what might happen
if she did. "Well, guess what kid, you've found her!"
Sheeba said with fake enthusiasm "Now, what business do
you have that concerns me?" She asked as she glared down
at the young Saurian.
The small female cautiously stood up and handed Sheeba a piece
of folded up letter and told her that it'd explain everything.
Sheeba unfolded it carefully and began to read:
"Dear Lord Dragaunus and Princess Sheeba,
Hope you
are both fine on whatever planet you've ended up on. Things back
here on Puck World aren't so great, but that's not why I'm writing
You see, several months after Sheeba
dearest left Puck World, this young Saurian, Eel La'Moray, her
parents were killed by assassins because they knew too much about
the Saurian Empire's weapons. You probably knew her parents, Dragaunus,
they were the lead scientists working on the TRAX project, you
know, the top secret mind control project which everyone in the
Empire pretends not to know about? Ms. Eel was sent to live with
her sister, Aurora La'Moray, of whom you don't know.
Let me just tell you this much,
Ms. Aurora was quite fond of male companionship, and went out
on one of her 'prowls' one night and didn't return. A ring of
slave traders captured Eel, and being orphaned was going to be
sold into slavery, but I, the author of this letter, work undercover
in their particular ring to free fortunate young slaves, and Eel
is one of the lucky ones. I am sending her to stay with you two,
for I know you will be kind to her and give her a decent home.
You see, Princess Sheeba, She is your own. You and her are related,
fourth cousins twice removed.
A Friend
Sheeba handed the letter to Dragaunus and growled,
"I bet you feel real big of yourself now, ehh?" then
turned to Eel and smiled. "Fourth cousins twice removed,
huh? Sorry about the rough treatment, deary, he didn't know of
your intentions and had he have known, I'm sure none of this would
have happened." The female Saurian smiled slightly. "I
didn't have time to explain, Princess." She said.
She had a delicate African accent, and was not much
taller than Chameleon, her scales were bright blue, and her hair
was a fiery orange color and spiked back with a white streak down
"Please," Sheeba said, "Don't call me
Princess. Just Sheeba is fine."
"No, she cannot stay here!" Dragaunus growled.
"No possible way." "She has no place else to
go," Sheeba yelped at him. "She can go stay with the
ducks for all I care, but she isn't staying here!" he yelled
at her and started to walk away. "Wait." She called
after him "What do you want?" he growled and kept going.
She ran ahead of him and stopped in front of him so he had to
stop too.
"Sheeba, I don't have time to play games"
he snarled at her. She smiled evilly and pounced at him, pinning
him to the wall. "What a shame." She sighed and kissed
him passionately.
After several moments, he pushed her away, in total
shock of what she'd done. "Can she please stay?" Sheeba
crooned. He smiled evilly at her. "No." He said
and walked away.
"Fine then." Sheeba said calmly. "If
you don't want her here, go over there and kill her."
Eel backed up against the wall as Dragaunus turned
around and looked at Sheeba. He walked towards Eel and glared
down at her, then activated his wrist laser and put it to the
side of her head. She closed her eyes and waited for death to
It seemed like an eternity from the time she closed
her eyes until she heard him speak again. "I could never
take the life of an innocent member of my own species."
He de-activated his wrist laser and sighed. "You can stay
here as long as you need to, Ms Eel." He said softly then
turned and left the room.
As soon as he was gone Sheeba started to laugh.
"Our fearless leader isn't as fearless as we thought, ehh?"
Siege muttered something and Chameleon started to snicker.
"What'so funny?" Sheeba snarled. "Nothing."
Siege replied innocently. Dissatisfied at his answer, Sheeba
grabbed Chameleon and lifted him straight up and demanded what
was so funny. "He-he called you a slut." Chameleon
Sheeba smiled, almost snickering and sat Chameleon down gently.
She patted the top of his head and turned to Siege. Bending down
to his eye level and snickered "Takes one to know one."
then walked away with Eel following closely behind her.
"What's his problem?" Eel asked after a while
of following Sheeba. "He can't stand having a female as
a superior. Females are more like slaves in the part of limbo
he comes from." She explained. "What part do you come
from, Sheebie?" Eel asked and looked up at Sheeba, whom had
stopped to wait for a line of hunter drones to pass through the
next security door which was one of several in the hallway leading
to Dragaunus's quarters. "The sector for the nobles and
descendants of Lord Taraq were kept." She answered. "Who
was he?" Eel questioned "The Overlord responsible for
the first take over of Puck World, and also Dragaunus's grandfather,
five times great." She answered slipping through a space
between two drones and hoping to loose Eel, but with no luck.
"So why were you put there?" Eel asked. "Because
I'm related to Taraq about seven generations back." Sheeba
sighed. Eel's questions were becoming annoying to the Princess.
"So you two are related?" Eel continued.
"Yes and no." Sheeba answered. "Well, are you
or aren't you?" Eel asked after a long silence. "We
are in that we have the same Saurian in our bloodlines, but we
aren't because Taraq had several wives, each of our blood lines
branching off at that point." Sheeba smiled, thinking that
maybe Eel had gotten a satisfactory answer. "So does that
mean if you and Dragaunus become mates and have a child, it will
be inbred?" Eel snickered. "Here's a good question,
do you ever shut-up?" Sheeba snapped. Eel giggled. "Nope."
She said finally. "Maybe you should some time." Sheeba
snickered and went through the final door at the end of the hallway,
locking it behind her.
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