they were enslaved
and had learned to live with it
then came the offer of Freedom
Sleek panther
black as night
she is
her name, simply, Myrrh
And as the Silver Disk, she has the most power
a tigress
forced into submission
Never liked the guy
so rightly called Czar
She is Blade
The Blue Disk
Odd little girl
witha black diamond on her head
she set out to buy freedom
and won a ticket to eternal servitude
Black Diamond
taker of the red Disk
a jaguar
like a vison across ot sands
she was faithfull
then came the offer
she oculdn't refuse
She's Mirage
And she's The Yellow
with being a slave
so they thought
Whiteblaze, so aptly named Inferno
cold,unfeeling, ready for revenge
hating the mines
Tanner Coldclaw is his name
the one of the Green
small youth
until he learned of the hidious plot
and became- a man
his name:Ian
He's Purple
the largest diamond ever
minor problem:it belonged to the Saurians
It's really: The Crystal
A girl willing to risk everything
to help them
to lose her age, her memory
all for ducks who were years away
Name: Genisis
She had the gift
of foreseeing
she had a love
who turned a gainst her
now, she is as her name means
Mearon, The Messanger
A Saurian of high class
not liking her life
evan though it was easy
gave up her postition
to help the ducks
both present
and Future
a heart in shadow
they would win
to save their world
and earth
the nine gave theri hearts, their lives
and gained them back
she lost her job, they lost their hnor
She lost her memory, she lost her love
all, to save those who would come
Simply put
they put it all up for gamble
and won