Sops, and Founders
The Q&A of infinite peril.
- What is an Op? Op is the abbreviation for 'Operator'.
These people maintain the chatroom and deal with issues concerning
members. Basically, they work as the administrators and moderators
on the Cool As Ice message board do.
- Are there different kinds
of Ops? You have four
sets of authority looming over you... okay, so it's not that
bad, but these people should be responsible for upholding the
All the people listed below can be recognized by an @ sign infront
of their nickname.
First up is your OP's (Channel Operators)
These are people that come into the chan often and follow the
rules. A regular Op is given their ability by an AOP, SOP, or
Founder, it is temporary and will be lost when they leave the
room. They have the ability to OP other people or to kick in
extreme cases. Generally, having OP's just means you can change
the topic and a few of the chan's settings.
Second up is your AOP's (Auto Ops)
The difference between AOP's and OP's is they get their Op's
from an Auto setting..these people DO have a responsibility to
kick out troublemakers and general riff raff, they can also place
a temporary ban on said riff raff
Third is your SOP's (Supreme Ops? :P)
Now *these* people have power. They can Ban people permanently,
and help set up the actual rules of the chan. If you are having
problems with an AOP, or an OP, talk to one of them...
Finally there are the Channel Founders
They have the final say in EVERYTHING, tho these two are very
diplomatic. And will usually call for a vote. If anyone has a
problem with ANYONE else in the should be brought immediately
to the founders.
- How does one recognize
an Op? All Operators
will have an @ sign infront of their nicknames.
- How does one become an
Op? First and foremost:
People chosen to be operators are those who have shown that they
can act maturely and handle difficult situations without acting
upon biases towards or against people involved. The truth is,
we really don't need more Ops at the moment. The number of Ops
we have is somewhat proportional to how many members we have
- we don't need 4 people to watch 2 chatters. If there is need
for another, it will be discussed at that time. The final decision
is Calista's to make, DON'T harass her about it-you may be banned
for an indefinate amount of time. Don't call us; we'll call you.
- Help Help! I'm being repressed! Log the event in question, or copy
and paste the text from the window into a writing program. Save
it, and bring it to Calista's attention later.
- What if someone else logs
in with an Ops name?
The Operators names are protected by passwords. While you can
log in as us, you won't be given our status without the passwords.
We can also disconnect the impersonator from the server and get
our names back. Added to that, if someone is caught impersonating
us, they may be banned for an indefinate amount of time.
- You people are scary! We're not that bad. We only ask that
you follow simple rules put before you on this page. We're normal
people there to have fun-like you.
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