(Begin Encounter)
* Seline_TruFeather RUNS!!!
* Nosedive runs into the room
armed with a supersoaker
Seline_TruFeather> HEEEEEELP!!!!!!!
Nosedive> Oh SEline!!!
* Nosedive aims a blast at her
retreating figure
Seline_TruFeather> GAHHH!!
* Seline_TruFeather DUCKS under
the couch to hide
* Nosedive grins and blasts
the floor infront of the couch
Seline_TruFeather> EEP!
* Nosedive leans down and aims
it under the couch
* Seline_TruFeather scrambles
out from under it, going out the back way and RUNS
Nosedive> Hiya!
* Nosedive fires
Seline_TruFeather> AAAAAAAK!
* Seline_TruFeather is soaked
but keeps running
* Nosedive sprays water at her
Seline_TruFeather> EEP!
* Nosedive shakes his water
gun..it's out of water!
* Seline_TruFeather slips and
crashs down, hitting her head on the floor.
* Nosedive sees her slip, but
doesn't see her head hit the floor.
* Seline_TruFeather stays still..
* Nosedive grabs his back up
water balloon and chucks it at her
* Seline_TruFeather blubs as
the water balloon hits her, then JUMPS up and gets ready to tackle
Dive, then ARGHS and crashes back down
Nosedive> Seline?
Nosedive> Uhhh...Seline...
* Nosedive goes to check on
Seline_TruFeather> ...I'm
going to murder you.....
Nosedive> Accck!!!
* Nosedive backs off and holds
another balloon at the ready
* Seline_TruFeather gives him
an EVIL look
Seline_TruFeather> Don't
even think about it...
* Seline_TruFeather tries to
prop herself back up and falls back down
Nosedive> Okay...I won't
think about it...
* Nosedive chucks the balloon
at her without a second thought!
Seline_TruFeather> I am really
gonna MURDER you!
Seline_TruFeather> Uh oh...
Seline_TruFeather> GAAAKKKK!!!!
* Nosedive grins and gets out
* Seline_TruFeather gives ND
an EVIL look
Seline_TruFeather> Do NOT
do that again!
* Nosedive pulls out his backup
Nosedive> Okay!!
* Nosedive sprays her!
* Seline_TruFeather squeachs
angrily and manages to crawl under a table for cover
Seline_TruFeather> DO THAT
* Seline_TruFeather just might
Nosedive> At least then you'd
be able to tell him something.....<G>
* Seline_TruFeather SNARLS at
* Seline_TruFeather manages
to force herself upright using the table as balance.
* Nosedive grabs his puck launcher
and shoots a grease filled puck on the floor near Seline's feet.
Seline_TruFeather> YEEK!
* Seline_TruFeather JUMPS up
onto the table, yelping at the impact
* Nosedive grins and aims the
water gun
Seline_TruFeather> THAT did
* Seline_TruFeather ignites
her saber, using it as a crutch, and hops back off the table
* Nosedive sprays the table
missing Seline
* Seline_TruFeather ducks to
the side and throws a sack of itching powder at Dive
* Nosedive shoots another puck
at the floor making sure it's good and slippery.
Nosedive> Gaaahhh!!!
Seline_TruFeather> ERK!
* Nosedive sprays his water
gun at it and get slooped in the head with soggy powder.
* Seline_TruFeather slips again,
saber goes flying and she hits ground HARD
Seline_TruFeather> GAHHH!!
* Nosedive runs and slides surfboard
style across the floor and picks up Seline's saber
* Seline_TruFeather groans...
Seline_TruFeather> Dive.....touch
that saber and I will have no mercy...
* Nosedive shakes it
Seline_TruFeather> NoseDIVE!
Nosedive> Hmmm....lessee....how
do you turn it on?
* Seline_TruFeather scramles
up to her feet only to fall again
Seline_TruFeather> PUT THAT
DOWN! *thud* OW!
* Nosedive uses it to push off
and get on solid ground again
* Seline_TruFeather growls and
just stays put...
Seline_TruFeather> Just remember...your
death ain't gonna be MY fault...
Nosedive> Whahooo!!! Duck
in a shooting gallery!!
Seline_TruFeather> Uhoh....
* Nosedive grins
Nosedive> It better not be...or
Big bro might be a little upset...
* Seline_TruFeather SCRAMBLES
for cover, growling as she goes
* Nosedive drags out a carton
of water balloons
Seline_TruFeather> HEEEEEELP!!!!
* Nosedive starts tossing balloons
as fast as he can at her
* Seline_TruFeather skids around
the corner and into her room, getting pelted with several balloons
Seline_TruFeather> NOSEDIIIIIIVE!
* Seline_TruFeather SLAMS her
door shut and locks it
* Nosedive laughs and begins
to play around with Seline's Saber
Nosedive> Look at me!! I'm
* Seline_TruFeather groans...
Nosedive> *Duke sticks his
head in from the kitchen
Nosedive> Duke: I heard that
you little twerp!
* Nosedive twirls around and
accidently slices a leg on the coffee table
* Seline_TruFeather opens the
door and pokes her beak out, looking around
Nosedive> Oopppsssss...
* Seline_TruFeather groans....
Seline_TruFeather> NOSEDIVE!!!
* Nosedive grins
* Seline_TruFeather growls and
heads for the infirmary, looking for something that'll help her
walk so she can kill Dive..
* Nosedive does a silly fencing
Nosedive> Duke ain't got
nuthin on me Seline!!
* Seline_TruFeather rolls her
Seline_TruFeather> I'm gonna
turn ya into shishkabob when I get a crutch...
* DukeL`Orange uses years of
training as a thief to sneak up on Dive.
* Seline_TruFeather limps into
the infirmary and looks around for a crutch
* DukeL`Orange stands directly
behind Dive
* Seline_TruFeather finds a
pair and comes back out, looking at Duke and Dive
DukeL`Orange> <q> You
ain't got nuthin on who?
* Seline_TruFeather groans "Oh
great....now they're BOTH here..."
* Nosedive gaaaaahs!!!! and
drops Seline's Saber
Nosedive> Duke!!! Don't DO
* DukeL`Orange waves at Seline
* Seline_TruFeather hops foreward
and snitchs her saber back
DukeL`Orange> Hey! you look
like a drowned rat!!
* Seline_TruFeather waves back
awkwardly "THANK you.."
Seline_TruFeather> Oh FUNNY
* Nosedive grins
Nosedive> Now that you're
here Seline..
* Nosedive tosses a balloon
at her
* Seline_TruFeather deactivates
the saber and resraps it to her arm band
Seline_TruFeather> GAHH!!!
* Seline_TruFeather falls over,
crashing down crutchs and all
Seline_TruFeather> YER DEAD
Nosedive> Boy Duke...is she
gracefull or what?
* Seline_TruFeather awkwardly
gets back up to her feet and ignites her saber
Seline_TruFeather> Can I
be EXPECTED to be graceful with these annoying things?
* Seline_TruFeather WHACKS Dive
on the head with the end of her crutch
* DukeL`Orange looks concerned
DukeL`Orange> Just what are
ya using those for?
* Seline_TruFeather grumbles....
Seline_TruFeather> because
I can't walk right fer *some* reason ::glares over at Dive::
Nosedive> Her brain's are
scrambled...but that's not MY fault...she was born that way...
* Seline_TruFeather whacks Dive
over the head again
(End encounter)