*** Topic of #mighty_ducks:
*** Set by Calista 20137 minutes ago
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<Nightbloom> well, he
picks on the angel
<Switchblade> hi hi!
<Nightbloom> who is currently dressed as a human
<Nightbloom> hi hi
<Faustine> hi hi
<Nightbloom> debates over that one
<Icelightning> Heheh.
<Icelightning> Hi!
<Switchblade> lol
<Faustine> hi
<Faustine> ^^
<Nightbloom> in japan, it's assumed they're all male...
yet they have pronouns that don't reveal the gender
<Nightbloom> in some countries, they translated them as
males cause, well, they're pretty flat
<Switchblade> like they instead of he or she..... lol
<Nightbloom> in Germany, USA, and somewhere else, censhorship
at it's best, had the "submissive partners" become girls
<Faustine> lol
<Nightbloom> they did slip up though in one book
<Nightbloom> said one angles was a she
<Nightbloom> and later on it became a he
<Nightbloom> interesting story thought
<Nightbloom> "Wish" if you end up looking for
<Switchblade> that's pretty simple to tell
<Nightbloom> okay, duh, wasn't thinking
* Switchblade wants to roleplay a roleplay that doesn't involve
a mutant oke/junk food snatching plant.
<Icelightning> Why not one that involves Spam?
<Switchblade> that works
<Switchblade> you start
<Icelightning> Uh...
<Nightbloom> the Some Parts Are Meat spam or attack of the
evil e-spam spams
* Icelightning throws a can of spam in the middle of the floor.
"...It's dead."
* Nightbloom looks at Ice. "Did you try mouth to mouth?"
* Faustine eats the spam
<Nightbloom> You canibal!
<Faustine> It doesn't taste that bad... ^^ I like it!
<Nightbloom> Don't you have to at least warm it up?
<Switchblade> do you eat cold pizza?
<Nightbloom> Of course it's too late now, no way can we
see how it died...
<Nightbloom> Cold pizza is different
<Nightbloom> cheese is good cold
<Nightbloom> so is bread
<Switchblade> hold on.... my comp hates me.
<Switchblade> brb
<Faustine> Pop is great cold! So are popsicles!
*** Signoff: Switchblade (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
* Nightbloom looks at Faustine..
<Nightbloom> oh wait..
<Nightbloom> we can still perform an autopsy...
<Faustine> O_o
<Nightbloom> we just have to, um, autopsy it out of Faustine.
* Nightbloom havin a cold and is suddenly unsure of her spelling
<Nightbloom> gah... almost typed speeling.
*** Switchblade (~Frost@HSE-Hamilton-ppp320086.sympatico.ca) has
joined channel #mighty_ducks
* Icelightning looks at the box she got the spam out of, other
spam containers still inside. "... Uh oh..."
<Nightbloom> More?
<Karla_P>Oh no. THey're breeding!
<Faustine> YUMMY!
<Switchblade> Ack! quick! Spray them down!
<Switchblade> burn them!
<Faustine> Spam is great fried!
<Switchblade> Or even better, feed them t the plant!
<Karla_P> Yeah, that's right. Kill the plant!
* Icelightning kneels down and reads the information about the
<Karla_P> Don't you know Spam is toxic to vegetation?
* Nightbloom pauses for a moment. "I thought the plant was
out of the picture for the time being."
* Nightbloom moves away from the plant that just won't leave.
* Icelightning blinks. "... Discard if not eaten by: 01/02/1900.
<Nightbloom> Um, it eyed me funny.
<Nightbloom> eew...
<Faustine> Errr...
<Karla_P> Um, Faustine....Why are you sprouting little white
hairs all over?
<Faustine> I'm aging... Like you....
<Faustine> lol
* Karla_P GLARES.
<Switchblade> ACK! Old people!
* Switchblade turns to the spam. "I command you to attack
the old ones!"
* Karla_P smacks both Faustine and Switchblade with wobbling golbs
of Spam.
* Nightbloom just hurls them still inside the cans.
<Nightbloom> on a side note, i got three white hairs growing
on one side of my hair, if i'm lucky, i'll have a streak to one
side when i hit mid thirties ^^
<Nightbloom> head, one side near the front of my head above
the ear
<Switchblade> yeah! go grey streak!
<Nightbloom> white streak, it ain't grey, it's absolutely
<Nightbloom> so it really stands out, dark brown hair, one
white hair
<Nightbloom> drives my manager nuts
<Nightbloom> she freaks out at the thought that she's almost
<Nightbloom> heeheehee
<Faustine> I've found a few in my hair... hiding... lol
<Icelightning> My mom sorta looks like Rogue.. She's got
a white streak in the middle.
<Faustine> LOL!
<Switchblade> LOL
<Switchblade> She sucks powers from people
<Icelightning> She'd love to make some of the stupid people
comatose. She could actually do their jobs more efficiently than
they do and she hasn't even been trained. Although she'd have
to deal with their stupidity then...
* Nightbloom wishes she could zap power from some people
<Switchblade> Me fail English? That's unpossible! My grammar
is prefect!
*** emilylorange (~emilylora@vc1-468-1.adsl.indra.com) has joined
channel #Mighty_Ducks
*** Mode change "+o emilylorange" for channel #mighty_ducks
by ChanServ
<Faustine> Hi hi
<Nightbloom> lol
<emilylorange> hi
<Icelightning> Not bad enough, Switchy.
<Switchblade> yellow
<Icelightning> There we go!
<Icelightning> Lol.
* emilylorange hates her history teacher soooo much
* Icelightning gives Emily some spam. "If you throw it, Faustine
will play catch."
<Switchblade> oh yeah.... and we taught you plant how to
steal junk food, and beg for coke.
<Nightbloom> vanilla
<Faustine> Hae.... :P
<Faustine> Don't mock the Spam....
* Icelightning throws a can of Spam.
<Faustine> O_o!!!!
* Nightbloom whacks it with a racket
<Nightbloom> Fore!
<Nightbloom> oh, wait, guess I needed a club for that one.
<Icelightning> Aw hell, we have a plant with a mind of its
own. We can play golf with a racket if we wanna.
<Switchblade> lol
<Nightbloom> okay than, batter up, through me another?
<Icelightning> Sure!
* Nightbloom yanks football helmet down.
* Faustine cries
* Icelightning throws Nightbloom another can of Spam.
<Faustine> Why art thou so cruuuel!?
<Icelightning> (Uhm, someone's going to log this one, right?
* Faustine cries
* Nightbloom swings racket and the can goes soaring.
* Karla_P watches as several cans of Spam suddenly grow arms and
legs and start running around.
* Icelightning winces as she hears a crash. "...Right through
the non-existent window."
* Nightbloom skates around figure skating before being tripped
by a can of spam with legs.
<Faustine> Ha ha!
<Switchblade> I got this one logged
<Nightbloom> And what cute little shapely legs they actually
<Karla_P> NO!!!!! THey're getting away!!!!
<Karla_P> AFter them!
* Nightbloom grabs for the ones nearest her.
<Faustine> Run free little spamies! Run for your dear lives!!!
<Nightbloom> Now they're popping out of the cans themselves!!
* Switchblade grabs a Spam can and tosses it to Faustine
* Nightbloom stomps on one.
* Faustine opens a bunch of cans
* Nightbloom lifts foot just to watch it regroup and pop back
* Icelightning forces some of the cans into the recycle.
<Nightbloom> Okay, this isnt going to be as easy as we thought.
<Karla_P> Wait!!!
<Karla_P> Get Lucus' fridge!
<Nightbloom> Why, does it have legs too?
<Karla_P> Uh....tank treads, actually.
* Icelightning watches the cans of Spam eat through the recycle
bin. "Eep... Good idea! Maybe it has a secret weapon to deal
with this sort of thing!"
<Karla_P> ANd it might have a vaccuum, too.....
<Icelightning> Well, yeah, that might work too.
* Karla_P whistles for the fridge!
*** emilylorange is now known as doing_homework
<Switchblade> Ack! you accidentally called for the blender!
<Switchblade> We're all gonna die!!
<Karla_P> Well, $#!+
* Nightbloom pushes Switch towards blender.
* Faustine accumulates many blocks of spam and sculpts it into
<Nightbloom> at the risk of sounding sexist... you're the
man, you do something.
<Faustine> Bwahahahahaha! Yay Mega spamie!
<Karla_P> It's the Blob!
<Karla_P> lol
* Nightbloom runs for the plant
<Nightbloom> Surely something that hold so many people has
to have something we can use to fight.
<Faustine> Bwahahaha... it shall unleash screaming temporal
<Switchblade> no it won't!
<Icelightning> It's gotta file a tax for that.
* Switchblade whips out a frying pan!
<Faustine> Nooooooooo!
* Karla_P hits it with a tranq dart.
<Switchblade> We shall ment you down to pure fat!! MUAHAHAHAHA!
* Faustine hugs the Mega Spam
* Nightbloom Nightbloom pulls out the flame thrower.
* Switchblade scoops it into the frying pan
* Nightbloom fires flame thrower.
* Karla_P turns on the stove!
* Faustine cries her little heart out
<Nightbloom> Oh, um, heads up Switch.
<Karla_P> No! Roast him too! Sacrifices have to be made
for the good of the people!
* Faustine falls to her knees and pounds the floor with her fist
<Faustine> WHY!? I love-ded you....
* Faustine tears up again
* Icelightning was about to lodge a complaint about not starting
a war with Canada before remembering how pitiful Canada's military
is. "Uhm.. Nevermind.."
* Switchblade acks and drops the pan to dodge the flames, letting
the spam creature escape
<Nightbloom> And the starving children of the world will
love him to.
<Karla_P> HEY!
* Nightbloom looks up from talking to Faustine and clicks off
flame thrower.
<Nightbloom> Oops.
<Icelightning> =P Sorry, but it is. No offense.
<Nightbloom> Um, it's, sort of, running you know... hello?
<Switchblade> Our covert team kicks your guys ass though....
I'm sorry
* Karla_P growls at Ice, then thinks on how to stop the runaway
<Karla_P> I know!
* Karla_P runs off to Lucus' lab.
<Faustine> Bwahahahaha! Arise SUPER MEGA SPAMIE!!!!!
<Icelightning> =P In terms of numbers only.
<Icelightning> I think..
* Karla_P comes back out, with a mutated jello mould!
* Icelightning is now confused and gets over by the Spam.
<Karla_P> bait!
<Switchblade> no.... actually we have less men than the
marines... and we still kick your ass
* Faustine cries again
* Karla_P sics her very obedient jello mould after the Spam!
<Switchblade> Yay! More jello!
* Icelightning is flattened and cannot debate anymore.
* Faustine cries a river
* Karla_P looks around
* Switchblade grabs the jello mould and eats it.
<Karla_P> HEY!
* Icelightning drowns in the resulting puddle.
* Karla_P smacks SF acroos the back of the head.
* Karla_P starts to cry too, as she's forced to hear her jello
scream as it's eaten....
* Nightbloom bops him with the frying pan.
* Nightbloom realizes how stereotypical that is and hits him again
with the football helmet
* Karla_P sobbing, hands over a Slicer stick to Nightbloom to
beat Switchblade with.
* Faustine cries
<Icelightning> (Gotta go to bed. =P And I never said the
special forces weren't as good as ours. I'm talking about amount
of weapons.. Lol.)
* Nightbloom squeals. "I'm a Slicer!" Takes off running.
*** Signoff: doing_homework (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
* Nightbloom comes back. "But first... " Swings at Switchblade.
<Switchblade> I'm full!
*** Switchblade is now known as Alexandros
<Icelightning> (Night!)
<Alexandros> (night)
<Nightbloom> nite
* Karla_P watches Nightbloom run around with her Slicer stick.
"Oh dear. I knew I was going to regret that...."
*** Signoff: Icelightning (Quit: Insert witty departing message
* Alexandros grabs the slicer stick away from nightbloom. "GIVE
ME THAT! ... it's too sharp for a little kid like you."
* Karla_P grabs the stick away from ALexandros. "you can't
have it either, you nutcase!"
<Nightbloom> I am not a kid!
* Nightbloom takes it back.
* Karla_P tosses Alexandros a gun. "Go take care of that
<Faustine> NOOOOO!
* Nightbloom hands Stick back to KP
<Faustine> Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
<Nightbloom> oh all right...
<Nightbloom> you obviously gave him a responsibility that
warrents me not killing him just yet.
<Nightbloom> oh, wait... i was killing Switch...
* Karla_P , now fully armed with her Slicer stick, goes to go
tete a tete with The Spam.
* Nightbloom takes after Switch while Alexandros is not looking.
* Karla_P starts choping The SPam into little Spams!
* Faustine watches the little spams reassemble into SUPER-DUPER-MEGA-SPAMIE
<Karla_P> ......
<Alexandros> go ahead and kill switchblade..... Tip is mine.....
<Karla_P> Well, damn.
* Alexandros heads towards the spam.
<Karla_P> Tip is sleeping in my closet! Leave him alone!
Calista kept him awake all night last night....
<Faustine> O_o
* Nightbloom falters in step.
<Karla_P> (Sniggers)
* Alexandros blasts the door off the closet! "OH TIIIIIIPPP!
It's ME! Your official alarm clock!!"
* Nightbloom suddenly whips out cell phone.
*** Faustine is now known as Deirdra
<Nightbloom> "Mon? Oh, hey, Tip's in the closet. Thought
I'd be nice for a change.
<Deirdra> Eeeeeeee! Alex!
* Deirdra hugs Alex
* Karla_P bursts out laughing as Andran steps out of the closet.
"Do you mind? We're having a personal time, here."
<Nightbloom> "Well, nice to you."
*** Nightbloom is now known as Monidu
* Monidu pops in. "Mind if I join?"
* Deirdra pokes at Alex ^^
* Monidu looks Andran up and down. "Wow, Raptirs really are
<Karla_P> No.
<Karla_P> O.O
<Karla_P> I don't wanna know how you know that. Really.
* Monidu hugs Karla. "You are the sweetest creator, you know
* Alexandros looks down at the pitiful creature that has tackled
him. "Deirdra. What the hell are you doing?"
* Karla_P watches as The Spam suddenly lunges at Monidu, aroused
by his aura of near monkhoodiness!
<Monidu> Rumors, my dear child, rumors. I wanted to know
if it were true.
* Deirdra hugs Alex
* Monidu only has time to give the spam a weird look before he's
wisked away. "Ah, no, I was gonna get laid! Oh, gooey...
this might work."
*** Monidu is now known as Nightbloom
<Nightbloom> aha... Faustine?
<Nightbloom> I think your Spam is gonna get molested.
* Karla_P is now laughing so hard that her cat is starting to
look at her funny.
<Alexandros> Faustine is gone....
<Karla_P> The Spam ate her.
<Nightbloom> oh... well...
<Karla_P> I think she was happy to go that way, though...
<Alexandros> and Deirdra is all that remains
<Nightbloom> yeah but MOnidu's with her now....
*** Nightbloom is now known as Monidu
*** Deirdra is now known as Faustine
<Karla_P> And I don't think the Spam will mind cuddling
<Monidu> Oo! Dead chick! Never done a dead chic before!
*** Monidu is now known as Nightbloom
* Alexandros whips out his gun and shoots at Monidu! "I'm
the one to kill Tip, not some perverted little hermaphrodite that
can't eat ice cream right!!"
<Nightbloom> wah! I actually feel sorry for Faustine.
<Karla_P> As long as it keeps the both of them out of trouble....
*** Nightbloom is now known as Monidu
<Monidu> Who said I wanted to kill him... then again...
petite morte eh?
<Monidu> (I think i screwed that one up)
<Monidu> Yes you are!
<Karla_P> TO Alexandros: Oh, just chop off his little Monidu,
and he'll leave us alone.
* Monidu hugs Fuastine
* Monidu glares
<Monidu> I won't mind as long as he eats it.
<Karla_P> Hey, you can't go hugging Faustine, or else The
Spam will get jealous!
<Alexandros> Nuh huh..... swords are for wussies. I'm just
gonna blow it off.
<Karla_P> That works too...
* Alexandros aims for Monidu's little monidu.
<Monidu> (that is so wrong...)
<Monidu> Alex blowing... LOL!!!
<Faustine>YAY! I feel loved... *looks around for Chase and/or
*** Monidu is now known as Nightbloom
<Faustine> LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* Nightbloom laughing too hard to play monidu
* Karla_P watches in horror as The Spam throws itself in the way
of Alex's gun!
<Alexandros> Good!
<Alexandros> What the hell?
<Alexandros> Sucidal spam?! WHERE IS THE FUN IN THAT?!?!?!
<Nightbloom> Faustine, you got competition.
* Alexandros tosses exploding daggers at Karla, Faustine, Monidu,
Nightbloom and the plant out of anger.
<Nightbloom> It defended Monidu... what in the hell did
you do to it... wait, don't want to know.
* Nightbloom dodges dagger.
*** Nightbloom is now known as Monidu
* Karla_P whaps the dagger back at Alex with her SLicer stick.
* Monidu is far enough to feel heat of blast and chunks of concrete.
* Karla_P looks over at The Spam, and sees several daggers quivering
in it.
* Alexandros laughs as the dagger explodes in Karla's face when
she whacks it.
* Monidu shivers. "Ooo, that felt good."
* Monidu checks out new burn marks.
* Monidu licks the bits of spam that is still on him.
*** Monidu is now known as Nightbloom
<Karla_P> Um....uh...the spam....
<Alexandros> okay guys..... it's been fun, but I gotta get
muyself and my ailing body to bed
<Faustine> ...you messed with the wrong demolitions expert...
* Nightbloom ducks.
<Nightbloom> Same here...I have a cold and I have to work
at 7 am in the morn
<Nightbloom> 7 am
<Nightbloom> dammit...
* Karla_P screams as The Spam explodes from the daggers, spraying
Spam all over the room and it's inhabitants!
<Nightbloom> she knows i'm no morning person
* Faustine shoves dynamite down Alex's pants and tosses a match
in there
<Alexandros> I hate mornings
* Nightbloom blinks caught off guard while Monidu weeps at the
loss of his newest plaything.
<Karla_P> Well, as long as this puppy is logged...
<Karla_P> Calista should be amused when she reads it. lol
* Karla_P wipes spam off her.
* Alexandros gives the lit dinamite stick to Monidu to suck on,
which he gladly accepts.
<Nightbloom> yeah, especially when she reads Alex's proposition
to blow Monidu off.
<Faustine> LOL!!!!!!!
* Nightbloom cackles
<Karla_P> ROFL!!!!
* Faustine watches Karla fuse together with the spam
<Faustine> O_o ewww...
<Karla_P> O.o
<Alexandros> Ahhh.... the fun of having a truely chaotic
<Faustine> She's half spam, half woman! lol
*** Signoff: Alexandros (Quit: May your days bring you fun nights,
and your nights not bring you hangovers....)
<Nightbloom> nite all
<Faustine> She's spoman!
<Karla_P> bye....
<Faustine> byee!
<Karla_P> LOL
<Nightbloom> and think bloody thoughts bloody thoughts I
* Karla_P wants to know how to log this thing...
<Karla_P> I'll try...
* Nightbloom has no idea...
<Nightbloom> ask the gush if you can get to him.
<Karla_P> But now I have Spam on the brain. Figuratively
ANd literally.
<Karla_P> *nodsnods*
*** Signoff: Nightbloom (Quit: Hauls Monidu off to safety.)
<Faustine> Oh yay... I'm stuck with spoman....
<Karla_P> Gee, thanks.
<Faustine> lol no prob
<Karla_P> Just as long as you don't attempt to lick Spam
off of me.
<Faustine> Aging spam!
* Karla_P smacks Faustine with a very spammy hand.
<Karla_P> I've GOt to post this onto my journal...As soon
as I figure out how....
<Faustine> O_o
<Faustine> lol
* Faustine hugs the can of spam... ^^ "I use protection"
<Karla_P> .......
<Faustine> LOL
<Faustine> Karla's got an STD!
<Karla_P> .....
<Faustine> A Spam Touching Disease!
<Faustine> ;D
* Karla_P grins evilly and grabs Faustine for a really big hug!
* Faustine is stunned...
* Faustine faints
End of #mighty_ducks buffer: Mon May 05 23:47:46 2003