Rat! And Weirdness..
(Begin Encounter)
* DukeL`Orange is sitting on
the couch with a grumpy look on his face
* Seline_TruFeather raises a
<Seline_TruFeather> why
looking grumpy?
* DukeL`Orange grumbles about
not being able to get up
heal soon.....
* Seline_TruFeather pats Duke
on the shoulder
* DukeL`Orange holds up a laptop
<DukeL`Orange> At least
Cali dropped this off for me
* Seline_TruFeather looks
<Seline_TruFeather> neat!!
<Seline_TruFeather> heh,
nothing like a computer to zone out in<G>
* DukeL`Orange grins
<DukeL`Orange> I've decided
I can still cause havoc
* Seline_TruFeather pauses
<Seline_TruFeather> UHHHHHHHH......does
it have internet connection?
* DukeL`Orange grins
<DukeL`Orange> Of course...
* Seline_TruFeather starts to
look VERY worried
<Seline_TruFeather> and
WHAT did you do with that tape you took of me...?
<DukeL`Orange> Hacking
isn't much different than breaking into security systems
* Seline_TruFeather gives Duke
<Seline_TruFeather> and
why would you want to hack into systems?
* DukeL`Orange grins
<DukeL`Orange> I enjoy
the challenge
* Seline_TruFeather grumbles
<Seline_TruFeather> still....answer
my question, what did you do with the tape?
* Seline_TruFeather narrows
her eyes lupinely
* DukeL`Orange continues to
* Seline_TruFeather looks VERYVERY
* Seline_TruFeather MUST find
out how to get rid og bold once you put it in..>
* DukeL`Orange grins>
<Seline_TruFeather> Duuuke....answer
<DukeL`Orange> It's........around...
* Seline_TruFeather narrows
her eyes more
<Seline_TruFeather> I
let you destroy that embaressing tape of you, so let me destroy
the tape you took of me
* DukeL`Orange hans her the
<DukeL`Orange> go ahead...
* Seline_TruFeather takes it
and looks down at it
* Seline_TruFeather looks back
at him
<Seline_TruFeather> no
strings attached?
* Seline_TruFeather looks suspecious
* DukeL`Orange grins
<DukeL`Orange> Go ahead
<DukeL`Orange> No strings..
* Seline_TruFeather raises a
brow, then smashs the tape in half over her knee
* DukeL`Orange gets absorbed
into the computer screen
<Seline_TruFeather> now...after
that that had better be THE tape.....
* Seline_TruFeather dumps the
tape pieces in the trash compactor
<DukeL`Orange> Tanya fixed
* Seline_TruFeather nods
<Seline_TruFeather> she
grimbled for an hour but she fixed it
<Seline_TruFeather> grumbled
<DukeL`Orange> Tell her
I'm sorry.....but I was running out of air..
<Seline_TruFeather> <grimble....I've
created a new word!!!!! <GG>>
* Seline_TruFeather nods "She'll
<DukeL`Orange> She didn't
seem like she would
* DukeL`Orange sighs
* Seline_TruFeather pats Duke
on the shoulder
<DukeL`Orange> Being beddridden
is *not* fun
* Seline_TruFeather gets a sudden
EVIL lupine look about her
<DukeL`Orange> Now what?
<DukeL`Orange> I didn't
do a thing!!
<Seline_TruFeather> not
<DukeL`Orange> I've just
been laying here
<Seline_TruFeather> I
had almost forgot..
<DukeL`Orange> doing absolutely
* Seline_TruFeather picks up
two bags from her belt and conceals them in her hands
<DukeL`Orange> Now what?!
* Seline_TruFeather goes in
search of NoseDive.....
* DukeL`Orange wonders if he
should warn ND
* Seline_TruFeather gives Duke
a look that says "No..."
* DukeL`Orange covers his his
<DukeL`Orange> I have
nothing to do with this
* Seline_TruFeather snickers
in an evil fashion to herself and slinks over to ND's room door
<Seline_TruFeather> <LOL!!!!!!>
* DukeL`Orange wonders what
ND did to piss her off
* Seline_TruFeather gives Duke
a look "Nothing....I just need a guinie pig"<G>
<DukeL`Orange> Gueina
pig fpr what?
* Seline_TruFeather holds up
the two bags and snickers evilly
* DukeL`Orange rolls his eyes
<DukeL`Orange> I don't
*even* want to know...
<Seline_TruFeather> my
latest invention, tickling powder, and what I hope is a cure for
<Seline_TruFeather> <LOL>
<DukeL`Orange> Tickling
* DukeL`Orange snorts
* Seline_TruFeather nods
* Seline_TruFeather clamps her
beak shut to keep from laughing
<Seline_TruFeather> a
friend gave me the idea last night
* DukeL`Orange is jealous of
* Seline_TruFeather raises a
<Seline_TruFeather> why?
<DukeL`Orange> You get
to cause havoc and I have to lay here
* Seline_TruFeather grins
<Seline_TruFeather> think
of all the havoc you can create when you are well again tho
* DukeL`Orange raises an eyebrow
<DukeL`Orange> I'll remeber
you said that
* Seline_TruFeather wonders
WHY in the world she said that.....
<DukeL`Orange> I guess
your just feeling sorry for me
* Seline_TruFeather bops herself
on the head
* DukeL`Orange grins
<DukeL`Orange> She loves
<DukeL`Orange> <Type
one male*eddie*>
<Seline_TruFeather> NO
<Seline_TruFeather> <agreed...<G>>
* DukeL`Orange looks disappointed
<Seline_TruFeather> CAn
it before I use YOU as the guinie pig!!!!!
<DukeL`Orange> Awww.....why
ever not...
* DukeL`Orange cans it
* Seline_TruFeather puts her
hands on her hips
I need to go cheer myself up <grins EVILLY>
* DukeL`Orange looks depressed
*** Tallant (
has joined #mighty_ducks
* Seline_TruFeather GLARES at
Duke then walks to ND's room
<DukeL`Orange> I must
be losing my touch...
* Seline_TruFeather gives Duke
a LOOK that says "CAN it"
* DukeL`Orange grins at her
* Seline_TruFeather snorts and
taps on Dive's door
<Tallant> LOL
<Tallant> i am back
*** Tallant is now known as
* DukeL`Orange gives Tallant
a dirty look
<DukeL`Orange> If I could
move, I'd kill you again
<Ghost_of_Tallant> gee
thanks duke, at least you survived
* Seline_TruFeather grins evilly
once more then covers the evil grin
<Ghost_of_Tallant> i seen
<Ghost_of_Tallant> and
that is no fair you helped drop the anvil and i get killed
<Ghost_of_Tallant> why
is that?
* Nosedive opens his door
<Nosedive> Yes?
* DukeL`Orange raises an eyebrow
<DukeL`Orange> You know
Seline, Tallant's right....
<Seline_TruFeather> ::covers
the evil intent in her voice::Hi....NoseDive, I was wondering
if yo could help me with something?
<DukeL`Orange> You did
cause some damage to my head
* Nosedive smiles
<Nosedive> OKAY!!
<Ghost_of_Tallant> (that
fact that i had knocked her out doesn't matter in the slightest)
* Seline_TruFeather looks over
at Duke and looks COMPLEATLY innocent
* Nosedive grins
<Nosedive> Whatta babe!!
<Seline_TruFeather> goodie,
follow me
* Seline_TruFeather TRIES not
to strangle him
* Nosedive follows drooling
* Ghost_of_Tallant hovers over
* DukeL`Orange hmmphs
<DukeL`Orange> And the
sneezing powder..
<Ghost_of_Tallant> that
wasn't me by the way
* Seline_TruFeather RESISTS
the urge to kill him and walks over to her room and points at
a spot in the middle of the floor
<Seline_TruFeather> stand
there will you..
* Ghost_of_Tallant has an evil
* Nosedive happily stands in
the spot
* Seline_TruFeather pulls out
a bag
<Seline_TruFeather> now
cover yer eyes...
<Ghost_of_Tallant> DON"T
* Nosedive covers his eyes thinking
"She's gonna kiss me!!!!"
* Seline_TruFeather DUSTS him
with the whole bag!!!!
<Seline_TruFeather> my
latest invention! TICKLING powder!!!!!1
<Ghost_of_Tallant> moron
<Nosedive> ACCCCCCK!!!!!!!
* Ghost_of_Tallant thinks he
has a way to get a body back
<Ghost_of_Tallant> oh
* Nosedive falls on the floor
<Seline_TruFeather> now
to test the cure
<Ghost_of_Tallant> seline
i have something for you
<Nosedive> HAHAHA Make
hahah it hahaha stop
* Seline_TruFeather dusts ND
with what she HOPES well cure him
<Ghost_of_Tallant> (notice
she said hopes, not knows)
* Nosedive keeps laughing
* Seline_TruFeather blinks and
looks up
<Ghost_of_Tallant> nice
<Seline_TruFeather> oh's not working....
<Ghost_of_Tallant> good
* DukeL`Orange snorts and starts
to laugh too
<DukeL`Orange> Good one
<Seline_TruFeather> hmmm,
I'll have to muffle him and work on a cure
* Seline_TruFeather grins at
Duke and takes a bow
<DukeL`Orange> Try explaining
to WW why his little bro is going off the deep end
<Ghost_of_Tallant> <i
love playing the annoying one that can't die because he is already
<Seline_TruFeather> Thank
* Seline_TruFeather pauses
<Ghost_of_Tallant> hey
duke i think i have somethign you might like
<Seline_TruFeather> you
mean, he WASN'T already off the deep end?
* Nosedive is crawling on the
floor laughing his head off
* Seline_TruFeather clamps her
beak shut to keep from laughing
<DukeL`Orange> Well....good
point! but I still don't think WW's going to like this
* Seline_TruFeather stuffs a
sock in ND's mouth and duct tapes his beak shut
<Ghost_of_Tallant> hey
duke how much do you like seline?
he won't hear him while I work on a cure....
* Nosedive mmmmphhhs
* Seline_TruFeather doesn't
hear Duke or Tallant
* Nosedive is still laughing,
silently, but still laughing
<Ghost_of_Tallant> hey
duke how much do you like seline?
* Seline_TruFeather sticks ND
in her closet to hide him and then goes back to working on a cure
<DukeL`Orange> Her looks?
Or her personality?
<Ghost_of_Tallant> lets
just say if i could give you seline would you forgive me?
<DukeL`Orange> Two tottally
different things...
<Seline_TruFeather> <HRMF>
* Seline_TruFeather tinkers
around with some powders
<DukeL`Orange> Hang on
a sec Tall
* DukeL`Orange contacts WW with
his communicator
* Ghost_of_Tallant grins evilly
at what he has in mind for seline
<DukeL`Orange> To WW:
Hey...your baby bro's got himself stuck in a closet...
* DukeL`Orange grins at Tallant
* Seline_TruFeather is gonna
FRY Duke...
<DukeL`Orange> Without
her razor personality?
* Seline_TruFeather finishs
on her powders and walks over to her closet and opens it
<Ghost_of_Tallant> without
her razor personalitiy
* Seline_TruFeather DUSTS ND
with what she hopes is a cure then shuts thwe door
* Seline_TruFeather senses she
should HIDE and sits innocently on a chair in her room
* `WildWing comes in the room
<`WildWing> Duke? What
the heck are you talking about?
* DukeL`Orange points to the
<Ghost_of_Tallant> you
missed it duke
* Seline_TruFeather has the
CLASSIC "I don't know a THING" look on her face
<Ghost_of_Tallant> more
factual then hypothetical
* `WildWing opens the door and
ND falls out....still laughing
* DukeL`Orange grins widely
* Seline_TruFeather thinks she
should BOLT and does so
<Seline_TruFeather> I'M
GONNA KILL YOU DUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Ghost_of_Tallant> i can
help if you would like
* Seline_TruFeather makes a
run for the door
* `WildWing takes the Tape off
of ND's beak
* Ghost_of_Tallant locks dorr
<Ghost_of_Tallant> from
<`WildWing> What happened
to you?!
<Seline_TruFeather> AUUUUUUUUGGGHHHHH!!!!!!
* Seline_TruFeather realizes
she is trapped and looks around wildly
<`WildWing> ND: :::laughing::Seline
* DukeL`Orange points her out
<DukeL`Orange> She's over
there WW
* Ghost_of_Tallant pulls rug
out from underneath seline
<Seline_TruFeather> OOF!
* Seline_TruFeather falls over
<`WildWing> Seline?!
<Seline_TruFeather> GACK.....annoying
* Ghost_of_Tallant wraps seline
up in rug for safe keeping
<Ghost_of_Tallant> here
you go boys
<Seline_TruFeather> EEMPH!
* `WildWing stands over her
<Seline_TruFeather> ::muffled::LEMMEGOLEMMGO!
* `WildWing looks around
<`WildWing> Just who the
heck is tying you up?
* Seline_TruFeather kicks and
* Ghost_of_Tallant taps wildwing
on the shoulder knowing he can't see me
<`WildWing> ND: :::Laughing::
<Seline_TruFeather> ::muffled::
an annoying ghost
* `WildWing picks up Seline
and throws her on the couch
<Ghost_of_Tallant> you
havn;'t seen half of what i have planned for you tonight seline
<DukeL`Orange> OOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!
<Seline_TruFeather> ::muffled::
* DukeL`Orange screams!!!
* Seline_TruFeather gets her
head free
<Seline_TruFeather> I
<DukeL`Orange> Get offa
me you tub of lard
<Seline_TruFeather> oh...sorry
* DukeL`Orange shoves Seline
off of him
<Seline_TruFeather> TUB
OF LARD?!?!?!
<`WildWing> Sorry Duke
<Seline_TruFeather> INSULTING
* Seline_TruFeather is VERY
tempted to THWACK Duke...
<`WildWing> You were so
quiet, I didn't see you sitting there
* Ghost_of_Tallant shovers her
head back in the bag
<Ghost_of_Tallant> and
stay there till i tell you you can move
<Seline_TruFeather> AAAAHHH-::muffled::
* DukeL`Orange *does* thwak
her, with his laptop
<Seline_TruFeather> MMMPPHHH!
::muffled:: LET ME OUT!!!!!!
* Ghost_of_Tallant hands duke
an anvil
<Ghost_of_Tallant> here
use this
<Seline_TruFeather> *muffled*
* DukeL`Orange grins evily
* Seline_TruFeather tries to
wriggle away
* DukeL`Orange takes pity on
Seline and drops it...........on WW's foot.
<`WildWing> GAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!
<Ghost_of_Tallant> i guess
the hit in your head screwed up your aim
* `WildWing hops around yelling
* Seline_TruFeather gets her
head free and looks up at the two
<Seline_TruFeather> I
wasn't expecting that....
* DukeL`Orange hold his head
* Ghost_of_Tallant drops frying
pan on selines head
<Seline_TruFeather> AAAACK!
<DukeL`Orange> I think
I need some asprin
* Nosedive sees what's happening
and starts to laugh harder
* Seline_TruFeather growls and
dumps acid on the rug, burning it away from her <not fire burn
* Ghost_of_Tallant pulls sheet
off of a near by bed and wraps selien up in that
* `WildWing stops hopping around
and grabs Seline
<Seline_TruFeather> EEK!!!!
<`WildWing> Your not going
anywhere until you can explain that!
* Seline_TruFeather treis to
get her head free
* `WildWing points to his baby
* Ghost_of_Tallant sits next
to duke
<Ghost_of_Tallant> so
how you doint buddy
<Seline_TruFeather> *muffled*
GO someplace??? I can't even MOVE!!!
* DukeL`Orange crosses his arms
and gives Tallant a dirty look
* Ghost_of_Tallant hands WW
a tazzer
<Ghost_of_Tallant> thsi
might comein handy
<DukeL`Orange> Go....away...befroe...I
* `WildWing looks at the Tazzer
<`WildWing> What's this
* Ghost_of_Tallant no come on
buddy i have an idea that will drive you nuts
* Seline_TruFeather starts to
wriggle more "*muffled* no WAY!!!!!"
* DukeL`Orange raises an eyebrow
* `WildWing tosses the Tazzer
<`WildWing> I want her
to *fix* Nosedive
<DukeL`Orange> Fix him?
* Seline_TruFeather finally
gets her head free and breaths again
* DukeL`Orange starts to laugh
<Seline_TruFeather> <that
came out bad....>
<Ghost_of_Tallant> **whispering
into dukes ear** remember i am a ghost i can possess people =c)
* Seline_TruFeather is ROTFL
* `WildWing gives Duke a dirty
<`WildWing> Not like that
you imbecile
* DukeL`Orange grins widely
<DukeL`Orange> You never *could* help
* DukeL`Orange gives Tallant
a grossed out look
<DukeL`Orange> Ewwwww....yuck!!
<Ghost_of_Tallant> what
i thought you liked her?
<Seline_TruFeather> SHADDAP
both of you!!!!
<DukeL`Orange> But eww....
with your spirit?
* Seline_TruFeather glares at
Duke and the Tallant thing
* `WildWing glares down at Seline
<Ghost_of_Tallant> no
moron i would just tell hger waht to do and she would do it
<Ghost_of_Tallant> works
<Seline_TruFeather> not
you not you......
* DukeL`Orange grins
<DukeL`Orange> Then you
could make her clean all of the toilets in the pond!
* Seline_TruFeather whimpers
as she hears Duke and Tallant
<Ghost_of_Tallant> no
<Ghost_of_Tallant> and
anything else you would like
<Ghost_of_Tallant> but
there is a catch
* Seline_TruFeather shuts her
eyes to close out the agony
<DukeL`Orange> And the
kitchen, the bedrooms...
* Seline_TruFeather whimpers
<DukeL`Orange> You could
make her wear a dress and act like a normal girl?
<DukeL`Orange> Heh heh,
get Mallory too..
<Ghost_of_Tallant> no
<Seline_TruFeather> HUH??????????????????
<Ghost_of_Tallant> no
<Seline_TruFeather> NO
<Ghost_of_Tallant> but
there is a catch
* Seline_TruFeather yells bloody
<DukeL`Orange> Catch?
<Seline_TruFeather> NO
WAY NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!
<Seline_TruFeather> I
LIKE being a tom boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Ghost_of_Tallant> yes
you have to get me back into my body
* `WildWing clamps Seline's
mouth shut
<Ghost_of_Tallant> thanks
<Seline_TruFeather> EEEEMMMPPPHHH
<`WildWing> Could you
get her to stop screaming too?
* Seline_TruFeather mmpphhhs
<Ghost_of_Tallant> no
problem [{(sleine stop screaming)}]
* Seline_TruFeather GLARES at
WildWing with a look that says "you TOO??"
<Ghost_of_Tallant> fix
that body first moron
<DukeL`Orange> It's like
in pieces
* Seline_TruFeather just shuts
her eyes in defeat
<Ghost_of_Tallant> fix
<DukeL`Orange> I don't
want to see that walking around..
<Ghost_of_Tallant> or
find me a new wont
<Ghost_of_Tallant> one
<Ghost_of_Tallant> not
* `WildWing taps Seline on the
<`WildWing> Get up and
fix my brother
<`WildWing> Then we'll
talk about this.....*episode*
* Seline_TruFeather nods and
tries to speak
<Ghost_of_Tallant> i can
fix him too
* DukeL`Orange wonders if anyone
cut off Tallants *important* parts
* Ghost_of_Tallant goes to smack
duke but goes through him since he is a ghost
* DukeL`Orange gives Tallant
a dirty look
<Ghost_of_Tallant> [{(seline
you are free for now)}]
<DukeL`Orange> And fix
<Seline_TruFeather> HUH???????????
* DukeL`Orange stops
<Seline_TruFeather> fix???????
<DukeL`Orange> Oh, that
came out Baaaaadd....
* DukeL`Orange rolls his eyes
* Seline_TruFeather glares POISONOUSLY
at Duke
<DukeL`Orange> Do me a
fav Tall, take away her speech again..
* Seline_TruFeather 's eyes
go wide
<Seline_TruFeather> nononononononononono!
<Ghost_of_Tallant> [{(sleine
can no longer speak unless spoken to and only with one word answers
(yes and no) )}]
<Ghost_of_Tallant> got
* DukeL`Orange grins
* Seline_TruFeather opens her
mouth to speak but nothing comes out
<DukeL`Orange> See Seline.....and
I was *trying* to be nice
* `WildWing looks at her
* Seline_TruFeather 's eyes
go VERY wide
<`WildWing> Can you fix
my brother (and no comments!!!>
<Seline_TruFeather> <heheeheehee>
<Ghost_of_Tallant> <lol>
* Seline_TruFeather nods
<DukeL`Orange> Duke grins
* Seline_TruFeather tries to
speak, looks MAD and gets out a piece of paper and a pen
* `WildWing looks at her....Well?
Do it..please!!
* Seline_TruFeather writes *will
try, was testing the cure*
* Nosedive is hanging on WW's
leg and laughing all over him
* DukeL`Orange looks veeeeeeeeerry
interested in his Laptop
<DukeL`Orange> Hey! I
can hack into Drake 1 from here!!
* Seline_TruFeather storms over
to her poison bench and starts rumaging through the various powders
* DukeL`Orange grins
* Seline_TruFeather 's eyes
bug out again and she GLARES at Duke
* Seline_TruFeather gives up
and goes back to her poisons
* DukeL`Orange downloads a copy
of a certain *video*
***note, I THOUGHT this meant
the tape from "The Shower Saga";)***
* DukeL`Orange yells to Wildwing
<DukeL`Orange> Hey Wing!
What's your e-mail Addy?!
* Seline_TruFeather jumps up
and her mouth opens in a silent scream
<Ghost_of_Tallant> [{(sit
back down and work)}]
* Ghost_of_Tallant looks over
dukes shoulder to watch the video
<Ghost_of_Tallant> HOT
* Seline_TruFeather shakes with
fury and goes back to her poisons
* `WildWing walks over to Duke
and looks over his shoulder
* Seline_TruFeather puts her
face in her hands and shuts her eyes
<Ghost_of_Tallant> [{(shoudln't
you be workign on a cure)}]
* Seline_TruFeather whimpers
and goes back to mixing her powders
* `WildWing grins
<`WildWing> Oh WOW!!
<`WildWing> I want that
* DukeL`Orange grins
<DukeL`Orange> It's a
cool car huh?
* Seline_TruFeather would scream
but can't....
<Ghost_of_Tallant> ok
after you get me a body i want' one of them too
* Seline_TruFeather pauses,
decides she wants to KILKILLKILL Duke...
* Seline_TruFeather grumbles
and mixes some more powders
* `WildWing wonders how fast
a car like that could go
<Ghost_of_Tallant> [{(you
dont' want to kill duke you never did)}] c)
* Seline_TruFeather pauses again
* DukeL`Orange senses Seline's
<DukeL`Orange> You wouldn't
want to hurt a defenseless invalid like me would you?
* Seline_TruFeather darts many
an evil look at Duke
<Ghost_of_Tallant> INVALID
* Seline_TruFeather comes back
out, grumbling, with a bag in her hand
* DukeL`Orange gives Tall a
dirty look
* Seline_TruFeather looks around
for Dive
<DukeL`Orange> You stay
out of this!
<DukeL`Orange> Or I'll
shove you in a bottle and shove a cork up your....
<Ghost_of_Tallant> bite
me or i will have her cover you in the powder
* `WildWing gets a bottle
* Seline_TruFeather feels like
a slave...where is Abe Lincoln when ya need him?<<G>>
<Ghost_of_Tallant> [{(wildwing
drop the bottle)}]
* Nosedive gets the cork
* Seline_TruFeather raises a
* DukeL`Orange picks then up
and shoves Tall into it
* Seline_TruFeather applauds!!
* DukeL`Orange rams the cork
down the neck of the bottle
<Ghost_of_Tallant> [{(seline
i will set you free only if you get thess bozos good)}]
* Seline_TruFeather pauses
* DukeL`Orange grins at the
<DukeL`Orange> And I'll
set you free when you let Seline free
<Ghost_of_Tallant> [{(other
wise lets just say you might not like it)}]
* DukeL`Orange drops some blue
cheese into Tallants bottle
* DukeL`Orange slams the cork
back in
<Ghost_of_Tallant> i am
dead no sense of smell HAHAHAHAHA
* DukeL`Orange knows of a good
way to get rid of Tallant
<Ghost_of_Tallant> uh
* `WildWing guess's what Duke
is thinking and takes the bottle
* Seline_TruFeather tries to
fight the spirit/ghost/whatever's command
<Ghost_of_Tallant> kill
me and seline will be a zombie forever
* Seline_TruFeather puts her
hands on her head
* `WildWing goes into the bathroom
and flushes Tallant down the toidie
<Ghost_of_Tallant> [{(seline
you are a zombie now sorry)}]
* Seline_TruFeather 's eyes
roll back in her head and she drops like a rock from all the mind
* DukeL`Orange uh oh's....
<Seline_TruFeather> <oh,
* `WildWing decides to go get
* `WildWing goes looking for
* Ghost_of_Tallant decides to
have a show of good will and releases seline
*** Ghost_of_Tallant is now
known as FlushedGhostOf_Tallant
* Seline_TruFeather stumbles
back to her feet, holding her head
<Seline_TruFeather> ohhhh.......
* Calista_Acarya comes into
the room and observes the scene
* Calista_Acarya looks down
at Dive
<Calista_Acarya> heh.
blub blub blub blub i have been looking for that blub blub blub
* Seline_TruFeather shakes her
head to clear it
* Calista_Acarya looks at Duke
* DukeL`Orange looks back innocently....typing
on his keyboard like nothing happened
<Seline_TruFeather> someone
get out the Guenis world book of records, I just set the record
for biggest headache...
* Seline_TruFeather moans
* Calista_Acarya looks at Seline
<Calista_Acarya> Are you
* Seline_TruFeather looks at
[{(sleine your headache is gone............ the least i could
* DukeL`Orange gives her a look
<Seline_TruFeather> if
YOU had just been possesed would YOU be okay? ::glares::
* Seline_TruFeather blinks
<Seline_TruFeather> ...I
hate that....
<DukeL`Orange> Ahem.....Does
dropping an Anvil on a certain Duck named L'Orange ring a bell?
* Seline_TruFeather snorts and
glares at Duke
at leat you are still alive blub
<DukeL`Orange> Now that
as a killer headache
* Seline_TruFeather picks up
the powder she had made
* Calista_Acarya blink blinks
find ND before WW finds ME.......
<Calista_Acarya> What
are you glaring at me for?
<Seline_TruFeather> nothing....sorry,
just a little ticked off now...
* Calista_Acarya pints to the
drooling mass of the floor
(dotn' worry WW is on a quest to find fire for the first time,
you can thank me later)
* Seline_TruFeather looks down
at ND and tries not to giggle
<Calista_Acarya> I'm the
last person you want ticked off at you..
* Seline_TruFeather blinks,
that made no sense at all)
<in english i regressed WW to a cave duck>
<Calista_Acarya> <LOL!!>
<Seline_TruFeather> Cali,
honest, I didn't mean to....sorry....
<Seline_TruFeather> <oh....poor
<hey what about me!>