The Return
(Begin Encounter)
* ^NegaDuck manages to pick
a few locks, then aw hecks and blows up some doors on his way
* Ayana blinks as the alarms
go off... then walks over to the source.
* ^NegaDuck walks calmly over
to the kitchen, helps himself to something to drink then walks
by Cali and THe Doc, on his way to the rec room, "Excsue
me, make wya, duck comeing through.... ingrates."
* `The_Doctor frowns. "What
planet are you from again? Or I suppose this is the first I'd
<`Calista> Uuuhm..puckworld.
*she stares after ND* And I have NO idea where that one came from..
* `Corwyn comes into the Pond
and smells the scent of destruction, and as the alarms are going
off, he heads for the arms room.
* ^NegaDuck plops down on the
couch and picks up the remote, flipping around on some channels,
"TO cute, to cute, not enough blood, to cute, to cute, no
* `The_Doctor blinks as Negs
strides past. "Your race comes in all shapes and sizes"
* Ayana pauses on hr way past
the rec room, glancing in and seeing Negs. She RUNS up and tackles
I said...that's not one I've seen before, not from my planet
* ^NegaDuck groans, "Oh
no..." He then stands and tursn to Ayana, "I am NegaDuck!
Not Banana Duck!"
* Ayana looks up at him with
that blank stare of hers, "Then why do you look like a banana?"
* `Corwyn comes dashing into
the place, searching about with a pair of puck pistols, spotting
Negaduck and Ayana in the Rec room and coming to the door. "What
the devil's going on??"
* ^NegaDuck fumes, his face
turning red with steam out his ears.
* Ayana oooos.. "Cherry-topped
Banana Duck!"
* `Corwyn blinks. "All
right... this is going to be different..."
* ^NegaDuck looks up at Corwyn,
bieing only 3 feet tall (if I remember right), and walks up to
him, "You got a problem pal? Oh please tell me you do."
* `Corwyn gives him a sour look.
"Yes, I do, with short troublesome trespassers, especially
when it seems like the Pond has been attacked."
* ^NegaDuck looks back at Ayana,
"Ever see me make a Duck able to see me eye to eye?"
He then grins up to Corwyn, "Oh don't worry about me..."
* Ayana shakes her head, "Nope."
*looks expectant*
* `Corwyn coughs. "I'm
not worried, but I am concerned. Who are you and what are you
doing here??"
* Ayana looks up at Corwyn,
slightly ticked off, "He came back. He's Banana Duck."
* ^NegaDuck pulls out his chainsaw
and revs it up, "I'm NegaDuck. Good now let me fix your hieght
problem." he then chuckles and waves around his chainsaw,
"Ittt''sssssss show time."
* `Corwyn takes a step backwards.
"You must be kidding."
* Ayana oooooos.. eyes going
all big and cartoony, "Chainsaw! Kewlie!"
* ^NegaDuck laughs slightly
and lunges at Corwyn, "Nah... just hold still. This should
be quite painful."
* `Corwyn dodges aside and *pops*
Negs on the head with a pistol barrel. "Now listen you, you're
making me rather irritated, and you don't want me irritated."
* ^NegaDuck pulls out a cartoon
like bomb and lights it, then sticks it down Corwyn's pants, "Here
have a blast." He then goes to duck behind the couch.
* Ayana imitates Negs hides
behind the couch.
* ^NegaDuck beigns to give Ayana
pointers on the proper use of a chainsaw, his way.
* `Corwyn blinks and pulls his
pants down, and the bomb rolls around...
* Ayana oooooos! and listens
intently, prolly the only thing she'll ever listen to and remember.
* `Corwyn yells and dives out
the door...
* ^NegaDuck grins slightly as
the bomb goes off, he then points out Corwyn and hands her the
Chainsaw, "Now remember practice makes perfect."
* Ayana grins hugely, eyes all
shiney, and nodnodnodnods rapidly to Negs. She takes chainsaw,
a little cumbersome for her, and trots out after Corwyn.
* `Corwyn gets his pants zipped
up and runs back in with his pistols aimed at him. "All right
you, you're coming with... what the *devil*?!"
* ^NegaDuck grins and pulls
out his spare chainsaw and revs it up.
* Ayana SWINGS the chainsaw
at him as he comes in the way Negs told her to!
* `Corwyn dodges the chain and
snatches it from her. "Ayana! Quit that! You might hurt yourself
as well as someone else!"
* Ayana HEYS! and STOMPS on
Corwyn's foot HARD with her little pointy boots, tugging at the
chainsaw, "GIVE ME THAT BAAAACK!!"
* ^NegaDuck hopes up over the
couch, then charges Corwyn, "Aww yer break'n my heart!"
He siwngs his chainsaw around wildly.
* ^NegaDuck stops and grins
at Ayana, "Oooo, I think I like her."
* `Corwyn yelps as Ayana stomps
him, and uses the chainsaw to fend off Negaduck's .swing, backing
off. "You're going to make me mad, and you'll regret it,
I promise."
* Ayana glowers darkly at Corwyn,
then kicks him where the sun don't shine... remember the pointy
* ^NegaDuck grits his teeth,
"Oooo your really scaring me, NOT!" He then takes a
few more swings at Corwyn.
*** ^NegaDuck changes topic
to 'Welcome to #Mighty_Ducks. It's attack of the pintsize ducks
* `Corwyn groans and *swats*
Ayana away rather hard, and swings hard with the chainsaw for
Neg's. "You certainly know how to win over the royal terrors."
* Ayana yelps!! then, looking
peeved, runs off to her room to get something..
* ^NegaDuck continues his chainsaw
sword duel with Corwyn, "Hey she chose me, and I taught her
a few things, which reminds me, did they fix that migrator of
* Ayana comes back in with something
gray and familier... aims it at Corwyn and... *FWOOOOOOOSH!* <Remember
the flame thrower she got from Negs last time? >;)>
<`Corwyn> <He's rather
buff> What are you talking about?? What did you do??
* ^NegaDuck yelps and glares
at Ayana, "Watch it with that thing!" He then heads
over to the vehicle bay.
* Ayana oopses, and looks innocent..
well, maybe not, "Sorry."
* ^NegaDuck grumbles to himself,
"Brat." He then eyes the Migrator then pulls out his
Bazooka and opens fire to blow it up again, then fire on the AeroWing
as well.
* Ayana follows in after him,
eyes going wide, "OooOoo... the others not gonna like this..
so I like it!"
* ^NegaDuck grins, "Nothing
like a good explosiong to cheer ya up." he then hands Ayana
some marshmellows and some sticks, "Here have a roast on
the wreckage."
* Ayana woooos! and takes them
and starts to roast a few marshmellows, "Kewlie! Thankies."
* ^NegaDuck heads over to the
weapons bay and rubs his hands together, "My.. look at the
toys, I feel like a kid again."
* Ayana nodnodnods, "Me
too!" ofcourse she IS a kid, but, ah well.
* ^NegaDuck picks up Luc's machine
puck blaster, "Now this looks like loads of fun, now where's
a good moving target."
* Ayana ummms... and points
back towards a random duck.
* ^NegaDuck aims it for Nosedive.
* ^NegaDuck grins, and yells,
"Pull!" He then waits for Dive to look then opens fire.
<`Calista> *Nosedive looks
up briefly, then rolls to the side instinctively, shooting a few
glue pucks at the pint sized terrors*
* Ayana yeeeeeks! and scrambles..
looking for a weapon.
* ^NegaDuck acks as he gets
hit and drops the rifle and looks at his now sticky feet, "Ooo
someone's gong to pay for that."
<`Calista> *Dives dives
behind the somewhat tattered couch* HEy, that's FAST drying
glue ugly!
* Ayana ooos... and crawls over
and picks up the rifle.. <be afraid, be VERY afraid>
* ^NegaDuck pulls out a axe
and whackes his way free, then pulls out his trusty Chainsaw and
runs after Dive.
<^NegaDuck> Hhhhheeeerrreeeeeesss
<`Calista> *Dive yipes
and takes off running!!*
* ^NegaDuck chases Dive around
with the chainsaw, "Come back here and fight like a duck!"
* Ayana runs after them, hefting
the rifle along with her.
<`Calista> *Nosedive just
ducks into Seline's room, thinking* Oh well...let them destroy
this place....get some use out of them ;)
<Ayana> <*Seline HEYS!!!*>
<Ayana> <;)>
<`Corwyn> <A *very*
scorched Corwyn comes storming in with a pucklauncher, *spanking*
Ayana and pulling the rifle from her, and taking aim at Negaduck>
These aren't glue pucks, buster!
<`Calista> <He jumps
on the other side of her bed>
* ^NegaDuck notes Ayana with
the rifle and remebers the flamethrower inncedent a while back
then head over to a small storage room and dives in to a large
cake, "I think I'll lay low for a while, latters."
<Ayana> *Seline is off
outside the Pond.. gets a feeling that she should kill Dive sometime
<`Corwyn> Now, if you
want... blast it, he ducked out into that large cake!
* Ayana OWS! "HEY!!!"
and kickbiteswatslapsmackMAULS Corwyn!!
* ^NegaDuck closes and seals
the cakes top behind him so no one follows.
(End Encounter)