*** Sabr changes topic to 'Attention! C-serv is dead! We are convinced
that this is an evil plan hatched by Dragaunus to take over the
world...hide your computers!!! Hey...I wonder if we can blame
him for the YK2 bug too...'
*** Now talking in #mighty_ducks
*** Topic is 'Oh where, oh where has our little topic gone....Oh
where , oh where can it Beeeeeee!!!! MAN! Come *on* C-serv...WAKE
*** Set by Nosedive on Fri Jan 22 09:54:54
*** Now talking in #Mighty_Ducks
*** Topic is 'Welcome to #Mighty_Ducks! The official chan for
Mighty Ducks (the animated series). Official page is at http://fly.to/mighty_ducks
email is mighty_ducks@ducksfan.com ...Now C-serv.....KEEP THE
DERNED TOPIC FER ONCE!!!!!!!! ;) *squeaky voice* We now return
you to your regulary schedualed chan'
*** Set by Seline_TruFeather on Sat Jan 23 15:13:40
*** Polonius was kicked by Seline_TruFeather (GHOST SALESMEN!
* Seline_TruFeather twitchs...ohno...not lag...speak to me Dive,
speak to me...SAY THERE AIN'T A LAG!!>
*** Now talking in #mighty_ducks
*** ChanServ changes topic to 'Welcome....the pond may look a
little strange, because SOMEONE just posted pictures of a *very*
paint splattered Seline *everywhere!* (Nosedive) *Achem* And Nosedive
is missing a few items from his room. (Seline_TruFeather)'
*** ^Negaduck^ has quit IRC (Quit: They called me crazy!! They
called me insane!!! THEY CALLED ME LOONY!!! and boy, were they
right. )