(Begin Encounter)
DukeL`Orange> Bout time Seline...we have a visitor..
Polonius> Actually, need to remember...
* Seline_TruFeather raises a brow
Seline_TruFeather> Visitor?
Polonius> Ah yes,my bag
* Polonius begins to dig through it some more
* Seline_TruFeather blinks at Polon
Seline_TruFeather> Ah...Hello
Polonius> nonono,wrong bag
DukeL`Orange> A really ...strange visitor..
* Seline_TruFeather blinks a couple times
Polonius> Ah,Hello Mary
Seline_TruFeather> Uhm....so I gather...
Seline_TruFeather> Mary?
* Polonius puts the bag in his other hand and begins to dig through
Polonius> Here we go,this is the bag
Seline_TruFeather> ....my name is Seline, Seline TruFeather
Polonius> ah,very well Sell
* DukeL`Orange pulls Seline to the side "I think we got ourselves
a looney here..."
Polonius> AHHH! Bingo,thank you,you just reminded me
Polonius> I'm your local salesman,well at least for this district
Polonius> They told me I'm old and incomptent,But I'll prove
them wrong and outsell them all
* Seline_TruFeather nodnodnodnods
Polonius> Well,this has all be a show
Seline_TruFeather> <W> I think you are riiight...
* Polonius reaches into the bag and pulls out a vacum.
Polonius> See that mess I just made,well watch this
* Polonius begins to klunk around in his ice skates to one of
the piles of junk
* Polonius turns the switch
* Polonius looks down at it and begins to shake it
Polonius> Your supposed to work now silly
Polonius> How can I sell something that doesn't work
* Polonius kicks it,putting a small hole in the side
* Calista_Acarya comes in and looks over Sel's shoulder
Calista_Acarya> Who's this?
Polonius> *vaccum begins to vaccum*
* Seline_TruFeather blinks "Uh...don't ask me....he's, uhm,
a visitor..."
Polonius> Ahh,there we go,hear the sweet sounds as it cleans
up whatever you need cleaned
Calista_Acarya> Duuuuuke...what did you drag in this time?
* Polonius puts the nozzel down to the floor over a small toy
Seline_TruFeather> A salesmen? oh god...worse then Draguanus....G>>
Calista_Acarya> RUN!!>
Polonius> *robes are slowly being dragged into the hole on
the vaccum*
* Polonius lifts the hose
Polonius> hey,No pressure
Calista_Acarya> Uhhh..
Seline_TruFeather> Uhm....maybe running would help, no?
Calista_Acarya> You're uh...sucking up your...robes there sir..
Polonius> Hey,who are you people?
* DukeL`Orange tries to get pol's atention "Who are you?"
Seline_TruFeather> We're the Mighty Ducks....
Polonius> Ahhhhhh...
Polonius> well,that would explain why you need a salesman
DukeL`Orange> Well..I am...::points to Seline and Cali:: they
are the johny come lately's..
* Calista_Acarya gives Duke a dirty look
* Seline_TruFeather gives Duke a none to gentle elbow in the ribs
Polonius> where is he anyway,he told me he'd be coming along
Calista_Acarya> What do we need a salesman for?
Polonius> I need him,I want to buy something
DukeL`Orange> Oof!
Polonius> plus I need my skates sharpened
Polonius> yes,you sure,Orange boy,you want to buy this I see
Calista_Acarya> Let's try this again...who are you looking
Polonius> Sure-sir
* DukeL`Orange looks at Pol "How did you know my name?"
Polonius> they tell me,theres no other salesmen there,you'll
be #1,I liked the competition
Polonius> What name?
* Seline_TruFeather resists from screaming...
* Calista_Acarya doesn't!
Calista_Acarya> AAAAAAH!!!!!!!!
Polonius> *robes are up to his knees*
Polonius> Well,Mighty Mouses,do you have any heating in here,or
a window or something open?
* Seline_TruFeather hides behind Duke and shoves him foreward
so he's nearest Polon
* `Calista_Acarya waves in front of Pol's face and points to his
Seline_TruFeather> Mighty DUCKS...and no we don't....
Polonius> hmmm,you know you might have a copyright infrigment
`Dukester> Gah Hey!
Polonius> yes,Hi There
Polonius> you would like to purchase this wonderfull machine
* `Calista_Acarya tries to figure out how to shut the vacmn off
* `Calista_Acarya does NOT want to see what's under those robes..
Polonius> <LOL>
* Polonius holds the Hose up to his face
`Calista_Acarya> I'll buy it if you pleasepleaseplease turn
it off..
Polonius> don't worry about the times theres no pressure,its
usally because somethings gotten stuck
Polonius> someones actually going to buy it?!?!?
`Calista_Acarya> Just turn it off...
Polonius> wait,what are you going to buy?
`Calista_Acarya> ARGGGH!!!
* Polonius kicks it and it stops,letting go of his robes
`Calista_Acarya> A shot gun in a second!!
Polonius> Hey,Who was messing with my robes,those were very
* Seline_TruFeather watchs this with wide eyes
Polonius> Then they mass prodcuded them,boy did I ever get
Polonius> Did I ever mention how bad the ice is here,I kept
tripping all over the place
`Dukester> <vq> Uhh Sel...I think we got ourselves a
looney here...
Polonius> whats with this place and not keeping ice in good
* `Calista_Acarya ummmss...
Seline_TruFeather> <VQ>yeah...you just lost your job
`Calista_Acarya> This is California...there is no ice outside...
* `Dukester bapbapbaps sel!!
Seline_TruFeather> this is warm weather country....
* Seline_TruFeather laughs and covers her head
`Dukester> Yeah...no ice
Seline_TruFeather> you fell for that one Dukey...
`Dukester> Dukey?
Seline_TruFeather> <that was goooodGGGG>
Seline_TruFeather> okay...I LISTEN TO AYANA TO MUCH!
Polonius> Oh Great,I've died and gone to hell.I knew not to
trust them,They say "Don't worry,theres going to be nothing
going wrong,just step into the hole,and you'll be the best salesmen
Polonius> ahhhh,I've sold my soul to the devil
Polonius> okay,so which of you is a demon and going to turn
red and start poking me with that painfull pitchfork type thing
* `Dukester points to sel and grins "That would be Sel...get
her before she get's you.."
* Seline_TruFeather thinks she'll Kill Duke if he sez anything
Seline_TruFeather> ACK! HEY!!!!!
* `Calista_Acarya smiles
* Seline_TruFeather BAPBAPBAPBAPBAPS Duke!
`Calista_Acarya> We can even get her to turn red...
Seline_TruFeather> Don't Cali...
Seline_TruFeather> DON'T!
Polonius> Well,its good that you all came here to see this
demonstration,now if you wouldn't mind leaving my home so I can
get some sleep
`Dukester> Yeah...Oh Seline...Wildwin...
* Seline_TruFeather blushes and GLARES at Duke
`Dukester> SeeSee...she's turnin red!!
Polonius> Well,I'll let some of you stay a little longer if
you wish to purchase it
* Polonius looks at Seline and faints...
`Calista_Acarya> Uhhh...we live here..not you..
* Seline_TruFeather blushes harder and smacks Duke over the head
Seline_TruFeather> uhh...yeah....
* Seline_TruFeather blinks at Pol
Seline_TruFeather> WHAT?!
* `Calista_Acarya pokies Pol with her toe
Seline_TruFeather> ...that's my job...
`Calista_Acarya> Out cold...
Seline_TruFeather> what did I do?
* `Falcone is in his room, asleep...
Seline_TruFeather> well....now if I ONLY had my brother's red
saber this would be complete...
`Calista_Acarya> <well...wake yer arse up and get out here..>
Seline_TruFeather> <this>
* `Dukester would just settle for his saber period...
* Seline_TruFeather is confused...>
Polonius> someone wake the old man up...>
* `Calista_Acarya grins evilly
Seline_TruFeather> wake Duke up? he's already awakeGGGGGG>>
Polonius> I'm not done being illogicall and rambling>
Polonius> LMAO!!!>
`Dukester> HEY!!!
* Seline_TruFeather grins and covers her head>
* `Falcone is having a strange dream about salesmen attacking
the Pond... its the WORST!
* `Dukester slaps Sel EVERYWHERE....and NO comments POL...>
* Seline_TruFeather ows but keeps laughing..>
* `Calista_Acarya goes to the kitchen and gets a bowl of ice water...yelling
at Fal to wake up on the way
* Seline_TruFeather recovers from laughing and calmly SMACKS Duke
Seline_TruFeather> must stop...laughing...If were in the lab
ppl would be edging away from me
Polonius> they don't do that already? G>JK>
* `Calista_Acarya comes back and promptly dumps the water on the
old guys not duke's > head
* `Falcone hears Calista yelling and rouses, stretching, and goes
out to see what she wants.
* Seline_TruFeather smacks Pol;)>
Polonius> I was in HELL...
* Seline_TruFeather blinks at Pol
Polonius> And you were there and you and you
Seline_TruFeather> huh?
* Polonius points at everyone around the room
Polonius> Auntey Am Auntey Am,its a twister its a twister
* Seline_TruFeather thinks she should check Pol's looney meter...
* `Dukester is getting a big kick out of this
* Polonius ducks and covers
* Seline_TruFeather raises a brow
Seline_TruFeather> He's crazy...it's official...you lost yer
job Duke
Polonius> TWISTER!!! its come to take us all with bad acting
and great special effects!
* Seline_TruFeather grins and HIDES
* `Falcone comes on the scene, looks around... and doesn't know
what to think...
* `Dukester says Wildwing, then points to Sel "Watcher, she's
gonna turn into a cherry..."
* Seline_TruFeather BLUSHES red
Seline_TruFeather> DUUUUUKE!
* Polonius gets back up
Polonius> Duck,where?
* Seline_TruFeather blushes furiosly and smacks Duke's feather
* `Calista_Acarya waves at Fal "Have you had any experience
in dealing with Senile old ducks?"
Seline_TruFeather> I AM NOT SENILE!!!!!!G>
Polonius> You said it little Missy,not me...
`Dukester> Heeeeeey....that's a good name fer you...senile...
* Polonius raises his hand
* Seline_TruFeather gives Pol a dirty look
Seline_TruFeather> GACK!
* `Falcone looks at Calista and stammers, "Uh... w-what the
devil's going on???"
Polonius> I know how to handle senile old ducks
* Seline_TruFeather tickle tackles Duke
* `Dukester protects his hair
Polonius> AHHH!!! Its the Devil!!!
`Dukester> ACCCK!!
Seline_TruFeather> HAH!
Polonius> I'm back in HELL!!!
* Seline_TruFeather blinks at Pol "Huh?"
`Dukester> No...::gasp:: it's Falcone..but you were close..
* Polonius goes into the bag and pulls out an umbrella
* Seline_TruFeather bursts out laughing
Polonius> Back I say,Back demons of darkness
`Dukester> <GGG>
Polonius> or I shall be forced to use this
* Polonius parrys a few times
* Seline_TruFeather grins evil like and takes a step towards Pol
* `Calista_Acarya smirks "Why? Is it going to rain or somethin?"
Polonius> *umbrella pops open*
Polonius> ACK!!!
Polonius> get it away,its inhabitie
* `Falcone goes to Calista and asks incredulously, "Who IS
that??? He looks like someone I dreamed about, attacking the Pond
with home appliances.... Oh my God, home appliances..."
* Polonius throws the umbreall up in the air
Seline_TruFeather> INHABITIE?
`Calista_Acarya> <this si your fault Fal...you had to convince
him to take a duck character...>
Seline_TruFeather> <LOL! yeah>
Polonius> <LOL>
* Polonius points at Senile
`Calista_Acarya> Umm...he's just some coot Duke dragged in..
Polonius> Shes INHABITIED by evil Spirits!!!
Seline_TruFeather> WHAT DID YOU SAY??!!!
Polonius> AHHHHHHH!
Polonius> What?
* Seline_TruFeather squeals indignantly and IGNITES her saber
`Dukester> Yup...she suuuure is...
* Polonius reaches into his bag and pulls out a Star Wars Light
Saber toy
Polonius> Top That!
* `Dukester grabs Sel bt the back of her shirt ?!>
* Seline_TruFeather whacks Duke over the head with her saber flat
then THWACKWHACKBAPS Polon over the head with the flat of her
Seline_TruFeather> OW! Duke!
`Falcone> me raises my hand guilty like... How was I to know
he has a pun generator???>
`Dukester> Calm down Sel...He harmless..
* Polonius lands on his butt on the floor
Seline_TruFeather> he insulted me...
* `Calista_Acarya grins evil-like "DO I need to go get some
more water?
* Polonius gets back up and shakes his head a little
Polonius> ahh,Okay,now I am in the right of mind
Seline_TruFeather> now let go of me before I tickle you without
mercy Duke...
`Dukester> Why would anyone wanta insult ya senile?
Polonius> I bought all this stuff from a salesman,pushed a
button,and ended up here
* Seline_TruFeather WHACKS Duke on the head
* `Falcone can't believe this... he must have overheard the clamor
and it influenced his dream, surely...
Polonius> Anyone have a map?
`Calista_Acarya> Hold on a sec....just what did this salesman
look like?
* Seline_TruFeather raises a brow at Pol "uhh...I think that
makes more sense.."
Polonius> What salesman?
Seline_TruFeather> the one you bought the stuff from..
Polonius> something making sense,that willn't last for long>
`Falcone> Well, it was a lot of them, but one looked like him...
Polonius> I've bought stuff?
Seline_TruFeather> LOL yeah>
Polonius> I'm supposed to SELL stuff
* Seline_TruFeather blinks.....
* `Calista_Acarya has had enough of this..
Seline_TruFeather> HE"S CRAZY!!!!!
Polonius> thats not a good thing
`Calista_Acarya> I'm going to go call the looney bin..
Polonius> Want to buy a phone card to make the call with?
Seline_TruFeather> While yer at it have em reserve a space
for Dukey boy here.....*grins and hides*
Polonius> Anyway,where am I and why is the ice here so bad?
* Seline_TruFeather thinks she is gonna get bapped for that..........
`Dukester> Wha-?! Okay..fine...then I'll call the supermarket
and tell them I want to return a bad cherry...
Seline_TruFeather> Ice is bad because it's so warm here and
you already asked that question
Seline_TruFeather> HEY!
* Seline_TruFeather tweaks Duke's feather crest
Polonius> Why'd the ice here chew up my skates so bad?
`Dukester> gee...Duke just LOVES messing with Senile..>
* Seline_TruFeather is getting great logs here....G>>
Seline_TruFeather> SELINE! he's the senile one;)>
Seline_TruFeather> it's not ice!
Seline_TruFeather> there *is* no ice here
Polonius> Thats impossible
Seline_TruFeather> except the stuff in the rink
Polonius> if theres no ice,then what are we standing on,you
young'in thinking you know it all
`Calista_Acarya> HEh...I think a call to arkham Asylum would
be in order...if thi was DC..
Polonius> Watch this
Seline_TruFeather> Pol......you are on Earth....a planet that
is warmer then Puckworld in here....
Seline_TruFeather> yer standing on sheet metal! steel!
* Polonius tries to skate,gets about two steps before slamming
head first into the floor
* Seline_TruFeather raises a brow
* `Dukester winces "That hadta hurt..."
Seline_TruFeather> that's METAL Pol....shiney metal not ice
Seline_TruFeather> nah..he landed on somthing soft
* Seline_TruFeather grins innocently
Polonius> Anyone want to see a free demostration,I've got free
appetizers for the end of the display
* Polonius stands back up
* Polonius almost loses his balance again
`Calista_Acarya> Hey Fal..want the dubbious honor of de-skating
our senile friend here...the old guy..not Seli..
* `Falcone has never heard one person speak so much while saying
so little in so short a time...
Seline_TruFeather> Polon....try taking the skates OFF
Seline_TruFeather> LOL! He's a politcian!G>>
Polonius> I'm not too sure you want me doing that...
* `Falcone comes over and says, "Uh... old timer, lets get
these skates off..."
Seline_TruFeather> you'll keep falling over if you don't
Polonius> I'm falling over?
* Polonius looks down
Seline_TruFeather> .....you tripped...
* Polonius studies the floor,not moving
Polonius> I seem to be standing straight up
Seline_TruFeather> you HAD fallen tho...
Polonius> its the cheap ice here
* `Calista_Acarya clls Anaheim Asylum..
* Polonius taps the floor
Polonius> ITS HOLLOW!!!
* Seline_TruFeather is starting to lose her little patiance...
Seline_TruFeather> IT:S METAL!
Seline_TruFeather> it's hollow just like yer head...
Polonius> I have magnificent skating skills,its just hollow
Polonius> Sorry Metal
* Seline_TruFeather SMACKS a hand against her forehead
Polonius> I thought you said you had a differnet name before
* `Dukester grins at Senile
Seline_TruFeather> SELINE!
Polonius> People say I'm senile,what do you expect when you
change your name on me every few minutes
Seline_TruFeather> I AM GOING CRAZY!!!!!
Polonius> anyone have the time?
* `Falcone thinks this HAS to be that dream still...
`Calista_Acarya> IT's real Fal..
`Falcone> The time for what?
* Polonius whispers over to Dukester "I think you better
do something about Metal"
* Seline_TruFeather baps Pol "SELINE!"
Polonius> owww
`Dukester> Yeah...
`Dukester> Hey Nothin else..you now got three names..
Polonius> Well,thats the end of the demonstartion,if you want
you can stick around for the free appetizers
* Seline_TruFeather 's beak drops open
Seline_TruFeather> I don't believe this...
Polonius> otherwise I'd quite happily show you the door
* `Dukester gently closes nothing elses beak
* Seline_TruFeather smacks Duke
* `Falcone wonders how much longer the old coot will live...
Polonius> um,can someone tell me were the door is?
`Calista_Acarya> Not very....if he keeps pissing Seli off..
* `Calista_Acarya points to the elevator hatch
Seline_TruFeather> I...will....kill....him...
`Calista_Acarya> THERE...GO!
* Seline_TruFeather calmly reachs fr her saber...
`Dukester> Yow!
* Polonius goes over to Metal
* `Dukester grabs Sel from behind again
Seline_TruFeather> ACK! Let go L`Orange!
Polonius> you know something Metal,you should do something
about that little problem you got there
`Falcone> w> This might be one of those good reasons to
Seline_TruFeather> I AM SELINE!!!
Polonius> I think I got just the thing to help you
Seline_TruFeather> HUH?!
Seline_TruFeather> Duke let me GOOOOO!!!!
* Seline_TruFeather struggles to get free
* `Dukester keeps a firm grip
Seline_TruFeather> HELP!
Polonius> it'll be perfect for a duck in your position
`Dukester> Now Senile...we can't have you going crazy on the
nice old man..
Seline_TruFeather> NOOO!!!!!
Seline_TruFeather> Let me GO!
* Polonius pulls out a country CD from his bag
* Seline_TruFeather blinks....
Seline_TruFeather> country?
Polonius> I have fun with these frisbees
Polonius> want to see
Seline_TruFeather> Country is goood...
Seline_TruFeather> ACK! NO FRISBEE
`Calista_Acarya> LOOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!>
Seline_TruFeather> /me is laughing insanely here>
`Calista_Acarya> I'm dying...I'm dying!!!>
`Calista_Acarya> HALP!!!>
* Polonius opens up the case and pulls out the CD,winding up and
sending it flying
* `Calista_Acarya ducks
* `Dukester ducks and pulls Seline down with him
Polonius> Music,why didn't you say you wanted music
* `Falcone notes she didn't CALL it music...
* Seline_TruFeather bap Fal>
`Falcone> OWW!>
* Polonius pulls out an 8 track with a picture of Bill Cosby on
Seline_TruFeather> NOOOO!!!!!
* `Dukester attempts to get at Senile's saber while still holdin
on to her
Polonius> here you go Leorange
* Polonius hands it to Seline
Seline_TruFeather> .....I'm not a L`Orange....therefore I am
not insane...G>
Polonius> Sure sure,your not insane
* `Calista_Acarya grabs Pol by the shoulders and tries to steer
him clear of Senile
* Seline_TruFeather glares at him
Seline_TruFeather> SELINE!
Polonius> don't try to get by the judge with that one
* Seline_TruFeather tries to kick Duke away from her
Polonius> So,what was I doing here?
`Dukester> Ow Hey! Watchit!
Polonius> There was something important
* Seline_TruFeather tries to get free "LEGGO!"
`Calista_Acarya> you said you had somewhere to go..
* `Calista_Acarya points to the elevator
`Calista_Acarya> you can get out there..
`Falcone> If only we had Dragaunus' address...
Polonius> wheres your ID Badge,I also moonwatch as the security
gaurd here
Seline_TruFeather> LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!>
Polonius> moonlight
* `Calista_Acarya thinks that isn't such a bad idea
`Calista_Acarya> You know Pol...there's a big red guy that
could reeeally use some of your products..
Seline_TruFeather> Duke.....let me go before I hurt you....
Polonius> No more big red guys for me...
Polonius> meet one of them on the street
`Calista_Acarya> What about a little green one?
Polonius> can you belive some of the food people eat around
this area?
Polonius> not only do they have bad ice,but bad food
`Dukester> Nu uh...I can' do that Senile...not while yer on
a rampage..
* Seline_TruFeather reachs behind and TICKLES Duke without mercy
`Dukester> Accckk!! ohh haaha
`Dukester> No fair ticklin!
* Seline_TruFeather grins and tickles more to get him to let go
* Polonius begins clunking his way around the place
`Dukester> Accck! halp
* `Dukester lets Senile o
`Dukester> go
Polonius> no comment>
Seline_TruFeather> SELINE! *pounces Pol*
Polonius> ACK!!
* `Falcone feels like I realy need coffee... or more sleep...
Seline_TruFeather> now....OUT BEFORE I RIP YER HEAD OFF!
* Polonius gets Pounced
* `Dukester perks up at the thought of coffee
Seline_TruFeather> LOL>
Polonius> So,I belive you are intrested in one of my products
* Polonius looks at Seline
Seline_TruFeather> I am Seline and I am not interested in anything
but your getting out of here...
* `Calista_Acarya is on the vege of insanity herself and leaves
the room
Polonius> Wait a sec
* `Dukester goes off to find some coffee
Polonius> A good salesmen never leaves when the buyer asks
Seline_TruFeather> hey...DON"T LEAVE ME HERE!
Polonius> oh,I'm not a good salesman,am I?
* `Dukester grins over his shoulder at Senile
* `Falcone isn't sure what to do... but doesn't feel like restraining
Seline_TruFeather> DUKE HELP ME!!!!!!
`Dukester> Ya wanted me ta let ya go..
* Polonius keeps rambling incoherently and slowly begins to fall
`Dukester> Tooooo laaaaate....
* Seline_TruFeather blinks in surprise and stops screaming...
Seline_TruFeather> ...thank GOD....
Polonius> GOD?!?!? I'm In Heaven!!!
* `Dukester decides to hides ALL coffe from pol
* Seline_TruFeather hides....
Seline_TruFeather> LOL!>
* Polonius begins jumping around for Joy,which is hiliarous due
to the skates he still has on...
* Seline_TruFeather stares at Pol like he's insane..
Polonius> WOOOO...owie...HOO!!!
*** `Dukester has quit IRC (Quit: BYE SENILE!!!)
Polonius> Wait a sec,this can't be heaven
Polonius> the Ice is still bad...
Seline_TruFeather> it's a GOOD thing Wildwing isn't here....
Seline_TruFeather> I am Seline....>
Seline_TruFeather> NOT SENILE!>
(End Encounter)