(Begin Encounter)
* Lucus looks up , "Oh yea, I built a new fridge."
* `Duke chuckles. "Hey, we only needed the door fixed, but
thats cool."
* Lucus nods, "No problem, was kind of hard to put treads
on it though. Want to see it I got it in my lab ready for a look."
* `Duke blinks. "What? The fridge??"
* Lucus nods, and walks down the passage to his room, "yea
the fridge, what esle?"
* `Duke shakes his head. "Yer kiddin. Yer... not kiddin'."
* Lucus waves a hand, "Come on I'll show you."
* `Duke looks to Calista with a quiet sigh. He loves the fact
that she's so protective of him, but... is almost afraid of what
her anger can result in.
<`Duke> "Uhm... okay, we're right with ya."
* `Falcone watches Archie nervously as the robot monitors his
every move.
* `Calista walks beside Duke, saying quietly "My anger is
nothing compared to hers"
* Lucus >Archie just hovers close behind Lucus, keeping it's
eye on Falcone, Lucus then looks up at him, "Safe mode, keep
him undertermined till otherwise." Archie then stops keeping
a eye on Falcone.
* `Duke smiles and gives her a squeeze. "I know sweetie,
she's pretty nasty, and I know you're not."
* Lucus heads in to his room/lab and walks oer to a large tarp
that loks like it's covering a large box of some kind.
* Lucus goes back to waiting for all of you, well those that are
able, in his room. >
* Lucus 's room isn't exactly orderly, most of it is one big robotics
lab with spare parts and a few unfinished projects laying about,
a small bed and dresser are in a corner, but don't take up much
space compared tot he rest of it.
* Lucus takes off the tarp reveiling a new looking Fridge, only
it's sitting on a pair of treads, other then that it looks normal.
* `Duke blinks. "Uh... its treaded all right. So, how many
miles to a gallon of salad oil does it get?"
* Lucus shurgs, "It's just plugs it's slef in, like Archie
when it needs to." He then pats the side, "SOlved the
ice and water problem by putting a condenser on the top, so all
you have to do is ask it for something and it should give it to
* `Duke blinks in amazement. "Maytag will wanna talk with
* Lucus chuckles, "Well go ahead and ask it for something."
He moves one hand behind his back and secrelty crosses his fingers.
* `Duke rubs his chin. "Uhm... pineapple orange juice, 16
* Lucus >The frige hummms to life then the door opens up and
a hose pops out and sprays Duke in the face with 16oz of pineapple
* `Duke wipes his face as the others laugh. "Well.... that
was refreshin..."
* Lucus blinks, "Nuts, back to the drawing board." The
firdge then turns and starts to pelt Lucus with nuts.
* `Duke gapes. "Uhm... maybe Wards will make that call, come
to think of it.."
* `Calista takes cover behind Duke "I think it likes you
* Lucus goes and hides behind a desk, avoiding the nuts, "Man
I hate it when things like this screw up."
* `Duke starts as Drake One sounds an incoming call, and he wipes
his plume down. "Oh man, of all the lousy timing. Lucus,
I gotta get presentable. Tell yer creation to chill." ;)
* Lucus >The firdge turns to Duke and starts shooting ice cubes
at him.
* `Calista can't help but laugh while she ignites her saber "Can
I handle it??" ;)
* Lucus blinks and looks at Cali, "The power pack is on the
back, I didn't cover the 2 wires yet, all ya gotta do is cut those."
* `Duke sighs. "Uhm... lets not make a goofy situation worse,
let Lucus work his.. magic on it."
* `Duke shrugs. "But, heck yeah, cut the power."
* `Calista slices through the wires neatly
<`Calista> *coughs* Do all of your inventions get out of
hand like this?
* `Duke dreads that answer...
<`Duke> Uh... i gotta get the phone, I'll be right back.
* Lucus >The fridge stops moving, and Lucus walks over to it
and shurgs, "Not really, but then again this was a rush job."
* `Duke dashes off to get the communication from Drake One, his
plume stuck out stiffly. "Oh crud... oh well, Klegghorn's
not gonna want a pic or anything."
* `Duke accepts the transmission, trying to look... professional.
"Mighty Ducks here, Duke speakin'."
<Klegghorn's face fills the monitor, and he looks amuzed>
Why, Duke... thats an interesting look you have there. You loose
a fight with an orrange squeezer?
* Lucus peeks his head in.
* `Calista tries to hide a laugh
* `Duke tries not to groan. "Yeah, somethin like that, but
this one had treads. I'll tell ya later. Whats up? The military
ready to take Karai?"
* Lucus walks in to view taking down some notes on his pad.
<Klegghorn keeps grinning impishly> Yeah, in fact Brigadier
General Majors, don't laugh, and some guy from... *the Company*
named Henderson will be bye in about 15 minutes." He adds
with an even wider grin, "I'd freshen up if I were you, they
have an even bigger sense of humor than I do."
* `Duke sighs. "Yeah, I'll *squeeze* this out and be ready.
Anything special to pass on?"
* `Calista covers her mouth with her hand and 'snickers'
* Lucus looks up and then trys to hide his face in with his notepad.
<Klegghorn chuckles> Your name is *L`Orange*, isn't it?
* `Duke gargles a chuckle. "Yer not really makin' this easy,
ya know."
<Klegghorn laughs and then gets a little more serious>
Oh, they wanted entry, but I told them you weren't much on hospitality.
They want to see a dangerous prisoner tho. I told them they'd
be disappointed, but make sure they understand the danger."
* `Duke nods, his plume stiff. "Yeah, gotcha. They know the
docks are around back, right?"
<Klegghorn> Yeah, they know the entire layout of the Pond,
they're pretty good."
<`Duke> Okay, anything else? I guess I should say she isn't
feelin' too well, we think its because she's cut off from her
magic aura stuff by an iron chain. They gotta understand that
she's gotta be surrounded by iron."
<Klegghorn> Oh, they know, they're a little skeptical over
how powerful she really is tho, and I have to tell you, I never
did believe much in spook stories myself.
* Lucus looks at Duke, "The military is comming here, for
who the one we got in the cell?"
* `Duke nods stiffly. "Yep, she's leavin' on a G-ticket to
* `Duke looks back to Klegghorn. "Well ya better believe
this spook story, she's the real deal, bad news."
<Klegghorn folds his arms with a grin> Well, a sickly witch
isn't going to scare the military, let me tell you, and I'm not
shivering in my boots yet either, but we'll be careful."
<`Duke> Well, is there anything else?
<Klegghorn reaches over and klicks something beside the screen>
Oh, no, I'm done.
* `Duke cocks his head suspiciously. "What did you jus' do?"
<Klegghorn grins evilly> Oh nothing, just set up a new screen
* Lucus walks over to look at Drake one's other sensors and panels.
* `Duke coughs. "You didn't..."
* `Calista has to sit down, cause she starts LAUGHING
<Klegghorn chuckles wickedly> That weathervane look is good,
I'd think about keeping it.
* `Duke sighs. "Aw Cappy... come on, we're buds now, an'
* `Calista gets back up and mouths behind Duke's back...I want
a copy!
<Klegghorn cackles> Hey, I'd freshen that L`Orange juice,
you have less than 10 minutes. Be there looking fresh now."
<He gives Calista a wink> ;)
* `Duke starts to go inside, but stops as he hears something
unlike the helicopters. "The *heck*??" * `Duke watches
in amazement, fascinated, wondering if it has anything to do with
Dragaunus, and decides to com Calista just in case. "Uhh...
you know anything about a blimp thats shaped all funny with what
looks like pirate markings on it?"
* `Calista comms back "Is it that funny dog?"
* `Duke gapes. "That Karnage fella?? Shoot, maybe... it looks
like a fox head on the rear..."
* `Karnage >As the airship decends the yellow beak like front
becomes more visible, and some speakers decend from the mid-section,
"'ello there all you silly persons, it is I the feared Air
Pirate Don Karnage! You will now place your nickty knacks out
on ehte streets for my noble pirates to plunder, or I will do
al sorts of nasty things to you." The speakers are loud enough
that they can be heardfrom with in the pond.
* `Duke sighs. "Yeah, I get the impression thats him... and
I think he wants ta start a new career in Anaheim..." He
buries his head in his hands. "Oh crud... not today, not
* `Calista groans and comms Duke "Yep...it's that crazy Dog
again...the one who *cough* took someinteresting pics from Seline..."
* `Duke sighs. "Well, he wants our *nickety-knacks*. I think
thats loot..."
<`Calista> Aerowing him down?
* `Karnage >The beak opens up and several small planes start
flying out and around the airship, as on either side of the beak,
large hatches open up to reveail guns the size of howitsers.
* `Duke shrugs out of habit. "Ya think he's really serious,
or dangerous? But... maybe we should, the airport's not too far
away, he could at least threaten traffic."
* `Duke gapes. "Oh crud, he's packin' heat...."
* `Duke runs inside. "I'll meet ya in the Aerowing."
* `Calista heads for it
<`Falcone> <Klegghorn bellows with a bullhorn> You
scumbag aliens! You land that airship this instant and surrender
or face my wrath!"
* `Duke goes around the arena to a secret hatch in the floor that
leads to the roof of the vehicle bay. He runs down a walkway which
leads to the Aerowing.
<`Karnage> <from within the Iron Vulture> You aren't
doing what my wonderful slef todl you to do, that makes me very
very angry." The Iron VUlture turns to face some abandoned
buildings and the howsiters open fire on them, leveling them,
Karange then speaks again, "Scumbag, what is that? I
want all your valauble nickty knacks, you know gold, jewerly,
vases, that kind of stuff." A couple of the planes then strafe
Klegghorn and the cops.
<`Falcone> <Klegghorn and the police dive for cover>
Oh, so you wanna play rough, do ya?!
Open fire!!
<`Falcone> <Basically, everything goes a little crazy,
with everyone shooting and returning fire>
* `Karnage > The Iron Vulture moves up so the gun fire can't
reach it, as a few of the planes continue to try and strafe the
cops, Karnage can be heard growling over the speakers, which then
cut off and retract with in the airship.
* `Duke climbs into the Aerowing cockpit. "Man, I gotta take
you on that honeymoon! Hockey season starts in a few weeks and
crime won't take a vacation!"
* `Karnage >The Iron Vulture starts to turn to face it's guns
on the pond, very slowly as it is a big ship.
* `Duke activates the start up and launch sequence. "That
freaky fox is serious, he levelled an old building!"
* `Karnage >The Iron Vulutres howitszers click back as if reloading.
* `Calista has NO clue on how to operate it..hasn't been given
lessons yet
* `Duke watches as the Pond floor swings open and the Aerowing
swivels around on its own pad. "Just man the weapons console
darlin' I'll fly it."
<`Duke> Hold on, here we go...
* `Duke is pressed back into his seat as the Aerowing lumbers
into the sky with ever increasing speed, almost on a direct course
for the Iron Vulture...
<`Duke> Oh CRAP! He's gonna fire on the Pond!
* `Karnage >The Iron Vulture starts to back away as the hanger
doors open, planes keep flying out the beak till there's about
30 of them out there.
<`Karnage> <from with in the Iron VUlture> There headed
right for us! CLose the beak! CLose the beak!" The beak of
the Iron Vulutre starts to slowly close.
* `Duke yanks the Aerowing into a sharp bank, away from the Iron
Vulture, trying to dodge a swarm of fighters. "Oh golly..."
* `Duke laughs! "Hey! If we had more'n the 2 of us we could
invade the ship!"
* `Duke activates the Pond's closing sequence.
* `Karnage >THe beak pauses for a sec as a final fighter flys
out, this one has 3 distinctive wings on each side of it and a
machine gun on each one, it turns in to head at the aerowing opeing
fire at it, as two planes take up flanking positions next to it.
* `Calista just sits tight and hopes Duke is as good a pilot as
he is theif...
* `Duke blinks as he hears airplane fire thudding into the wing.
"Hey now! Thats gotta stop! Time ta show that floppy eared
crook who owns the skies around here!
* `Duke hits full throttle and climbs into the sky at a preposterous
* `Karnage > The three fighters follow in to the climb, since
ther not jets they can't follow, and the lead one turns around
as the others try to keep up only to stall, with makes there canine-like
pilots bail out as the planes plumit to the earth below.
<`Karnage> <Ya could still bring him one, after all you
did say you are Dive right?>
* `Duke levels off and then goes over to Calista's seat at the
weapon's station. "Okay... here's targeting... here's weapon's
selection, here's fire and reload. Got that?"
<`Calista> Uhhm..I think..
* `Karnage swings his plane around underneath the Aerowing, and
up towards it on a intercept course, guns blazing when he thinkgs
he has it in his sights.
<`Duke> Well, there'll be readouts, all the buttons I showed
ya will highlite their commands so it should be easy." He
looks at a blip approaching on the screen. "Ah oh... I bet
thats our foxie friend. Showtime."
* `Duke arms the foward guns, and all the weapon systems so Calista
can go to work on them.
<`Duke> Uh. hold on, this'll be kinda like Top Gun for a
* `Duke pulls the Aerowing over and dives on Karnage's plane,
making sure he won't be hitting any inhabited areas if he misses
and fires.
<`Karnage> <calls over the radio> You will land now
and surrender yes no?
<`Duke> He squeezes off a couple of shots just into Karnage's
wings, hoping that with a triplane he hits something, maybe the
* `Duke grumbles, "He's gotta be kiddin me." He picks
up the mike and growls back, "No, I don't think you can keep
up ta make me land, Karny."
* `Karnage blinks, "Whaa....!" He then swings his plane
clear of the path, some of your shots just hitting his wings,
"That makes me so angry! Maddog, Dumptruck, Hacksaw! I want
that plane shoot down now!" With that three more planes start
to approache the Aerowing from differnt directions.
<`Karnage> That is Karnage, Don Karnage! Roll the R when
you say that!
* `Duke looks out the window. "Boy, they sure got some names."
He replies, "I'm gona r-r-r-run you outta town on a r-r-r-ail."
* `Karnage > The three planes, form form in front, the others
form the sides converge on the aerowing quickly ther eguns blazzing
as Karnage's triwing turns and heads for the Iron Vulture loanding
on the top side of it.
* `Duke guns the Aerowing again, flying for the Iron Vulture,
trying to outmaneuver the nimbler but much slower biplanes, squeezing
off a few shots on them as he goes.
* `Karnage >The planes not expecting the sudden turn of the
Aerowing towards the Iron Vulture wind up crashing in to each
other, as Karanage's plan decends in to the rear elevator. The
Iron Vulture turns to face the Aerowing the beak opening as if
to swallow it.
* `Duke chuckles as the planes tumble from the sky. "Well,
at least he can't hire any real pirate
pilots." He manages to catch the Iron Vulture approaching,
its bay 'beak' open. "Why that crazy..."
* `Karnage > The Iron VUlture picks up speed, scooping up the
Aerowing and the beak closes behind it (whetehr you land or crash
is up to you). In the hanger you can see numerous planes in standby,
even a small gray cargo plane, and yellow sub, as well as a few
pirates moving around in there some of them look rather spuprised.
* `Duke cries out, "Uhh.. brace for impact Cali, I'm gonna
try to land'er!"
* `Calista hangs on and would pray..
* `Duke applies forward thrust, and is yanked into his straps
as the aerowing slows rapidly. He can barely focus on flying it
as he tries to keep it straight and level, between the 2 rows
of planes, lowering the landing gear...
* `Karnage > The pirates in the hanger scramble clear of the
Aerowing, in cse he can't land it.
* `Duke hears the sounds of wreckage as the wings clip some planes
on one side and the tires shriek against the deck. "Come
on baby, stay together! Brake..."
* `Calista closes her eyes as tightly shut as possible and tries
to keep from shouting in fear
* `Duke prays what little prayers he remembers, and gets yanked
hard as the Aerowing bangs into the far end, but it isn't too
violent, and it settles onto the deck.
* `Duke shakes his head, cracking his neck. "Eh, any landing
ya can walk away from, and all that..."
* `Duke undoes his harness and runs over to Calista. "Hey,
are you all right sweetheart?"
* `Duke undoes her harness anxiously.
* `Calista opens her eyes and says in a really soft voice "Did
I ever mention how much I dislike flying?"
* `Duke grabs her in a tight embrace. "Oh thank God... sorry
about this, but we been caught."
* `Karnage >THe pirates take a moment to reorginize themselves
then start heading over for the Aerowing, some pulling out pistols,
other swords.
<`Calista> Uuuuhm...can they get IN?
* `Karnage > A banging can be heard on the Aerowings hatch.
* `Duke shrugs. "Well, I'd say, eventually, yeah."
* `Duke kisses her passionately for a moment. "Just in case
this doesn't go accordin' to plan..."
* `Calista blinks.. "Hey...what are you going to try to do??"
<`Duke> Well... we might have to negotiate... if I flooded
the place with sleep gas, we'd be stuck in here till the gas wore
off, and we'd still be prisoners.
* `Karnage >The Aerowing seems to shift slightly as you can
feel the Iron Vulture start to turn and buck as you can hear a
loud explosion and alarms going oof like crazy, the pirates in
the hanger seem to be running around as if starting to be conserned
with something esle.
* `Duke flips his saber, glad he carries it with him everywhere..
"Gee... I wonder what they want, we don't carry gold, or..."
He takes off his wedding rings. "Hey, ya might wanna do that
too, I think they like shiny stuff."
* `Duke blinks. "Oh good, the Marines are here."
<`Karnage> <from the foward balcony of the hanger>
My noble pirates I think it is time that we make a stragitc withdrawl."
They then looks up at him confused, and he says, "Runaway!
Get the planes back in here, and dump that oh so annoying plane."
* `Duke clicks on the outer speakers. "Aw crud, and we just
got here. Is this how ya treat guests?"
* `Duke blinks. "Ah oh... belt up Cali, thats us... we'll
be in freefall shortly..."
* `Jin walks into the pond yelling out "anyone here?"
* `Duke scrambles into his seat, putting his harness on again.
* `Jin then comes in on the comm "where are you?"
* `Calista fumbles with hers "Oh great.."
* `Karnage just grins, and looks at a small terrier next to him,
"Scotty open the bay doors." Scotty just grumbles, "My
name isn't scotty it's George." He then pulls a large lever
that opens the bay doors and dumps the Aerowing out of the Iron
* `Duke coms back, "Uhh... I'd say about 5000 feet up, and
about to descend fast..."
* `Jin says into the comm "oh.. sounds like you are in the
* `Duke blinks as they plummet towards the Earth. "Uhh...
not quite... Iron Vulture, actually..."
<`Jin> "what the heck is that... umm need any help!"
* `Calista squeals and puts her hands over her eyes
* `Duke tries to sound reassuring. "Its okay Cali, we can
* `Duke holds his stomach as they bang onto the roof of the Pond.
He sits shaking for a minute...
* `Jin hears a BIG noise on the pond "WHAT THE HELL!!!??"
* `Jin bolts up the stairs grabbing a pucklauncher
* `Calista whispers "Is it over?"
* `Karnage >The Iron Vulture can be seen heading for a lage
cloud back to the norht as military jets give chase, unleashing
one final payload before it disappears in the clouds.
* `Duke finally has the temerity to undo his harness and stumble
over to Calista's seat. "Uhh... are ya okay, again, sweetheart??
* `Duke chuckles. "Yeah, its over."
* `Jin wonders if he should go on the roof
* `Duke undoes her harness and hugs her tight.
* `Jin bolts out on the roof gun-in-hand
* `Calista hangs on to Duke "That...was bad...I hate to fly
* `Duke half chuckles, so glad that he can hold her...
* `Duke whispers, "Yeah, I remmembered something about that.
Sorry for the rough landin."
* `Calista hugs "we re both still inone piece, yes? I can't
tell for me...shock :P
* `Duke strokes her cheek with a smile. "Yeah sweetie, we're
still good ta go."
* `Duke puts his rings back on with a sigh. "Ahh, thats better."
* `Calista grins "You really don't take those off, do you?
* `Duke smiles warmly. "No way! These are the symbols of
me bein' stuck on you."
* `Calista grins and tries to stand up, wobbling terribly "Oh
* `Jin runs around the corner and sees them "what in the?"
* `Duke chuckles and holds her to him, steadying her. "Eh,
I felt like that at first."
<`Calista> Uhm...Hi Jin..
<`Calista> Duke was practicing for his pilot's license?
<`Duke> Uh, yeah... we kinda got... dumped.
* `Duke laughs and squeezes her. "I was doin' okay too.
<`Jin> "looks like you all need to get checked up"
* `Duke shrugs. "Well... maybe our bones...
<`Jin> "you all REALLY need to tell me about this"
* `Jin looks at them "can you all walk all right?"
* `Calista nods, and puts a hand where the harness was "But
I'm going to have some bruises
* `Jin "i never get ANY action"
* `Duke chuckles. "This wasn't much fun."
<`Jin> "Fun? i never knew anything was fun?"
(End Encounter)