IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat, there are plenty of servers and a couple thousand different chat rooms. But,you need special software to be able to access it. Sadly, the software that all the 'old' chatters are framiliar with has became 'Shareware'. So if you want to use Freeware (and you probably do), you'll have to deal with using a different program from most of us.
1.) Go to, select your operating system under Download, and download it to a place in your computer you know you'll find later.
2.) Install. This should be fairly simple, follow the directions the program gives you, and maybe make a link on your desktop to it. Just cause it makes it easier to use later. It'll ask you to re-start your computer. When you get back to your desktop, Doubleclick the icon, that should open the program. It has a little jig for you to fill in the first time you open it up. Go ahead and humor it.
Default Nickname is the
nickname you'll have by default on any server you connect to.
Default Ident is the identity the program will give someone
asks it who you are by default.
3.) Now find the button in your
lower right corner that says 'add server'. Fill in the little
box that pops up with the Server Name (if you want to talk
to us, it has to be that one there!), Your nickname, and
your Alternate Nickname (because sometimes the first name
you choose is taken). Sometimes the name you want will be taken.
Your Quit Message is the message it will show the channel you are in whenever you disconnect from the server.
Your Nickserv Pass is the password you registered with (if this is your first time on, don't fret! You haven't registered yet!), so when Nickserv asks you for it, it'll be automatically given to it.
Rejoin Channels on Re-Connect is a neat option. Every once and a while, the server disconnects chatters. If you have this selected when you re-connect, you'll join the channels you were just thrown out of.
4.) When you're done filling this in (you don't have to fill in any of the empty boxes shown...). Hit the save or Connect Now button. If you hit save, you'll need to find the server in the list of 'favorites', select it, and hit the button that says connect, if itdoesn't work the first time, keep trying. After your connected, you may get a notice saying your nickname is owned by someone else, if that happens just type /nick yournewnickhere
5.) Join the Chat! Type /join #Mighty_ducks into the bar on the bottom. There maybe a ton of people in there, or possibly there'll be no one, but depending on the time of day, there usually is someone in therethat could help you out. The best time to catch one of us is between 7PM and 5AM Eastern Standard Time.
~Other helpful stuff~
This IRC thing has THOUSANDS of channels (or at least other servers do), some are icky and disgusting, but they have other ones to, /list will give you alist of all the channels that are open.
There is one VERY big advantage to IRC, you can pose. You can type normal like this, but you can type this /me bows and waves to all present. And it will show up in the chan as (I'm using me as an example) Calista bows and waves to all present.
It also shows up as this pretty color.. I know this mightseem kinda complicated, but after doing it the first two or threetimes, it's as easy as pie ;) The edible kind...
PS for the love of all that is holy don't play with
the emoticons! The rest of us are using mIRC and PIRCH so we only
see gibberish! :P
The colors options will show up, but we ask that you refrain
from using they tend to blind people.